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On July 01, 2021 Erimitus

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The mind of God, Antarctica
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Post digestive nuggets
TFS Journal
January 15, 2018 @ 03:37:09 am

"What does reality consist of?"

"How does reality originate?"

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New Post! January 15, 2018 @ 03:58:55 am
is reality more of a human thought or a psychical evidence.

reality, we think of a state of mind. without a human thought, the reality can't become a psychical.

maybe, reality is a simply human thought!


New Post! January 15, 2018 @ 07:01:21 am
TZ: is reality more of a human thought or psychical evidence.

Basic assumption: That which I experience as reality is a virtual reality generated by my mind (i.e., a thought).

On one extreme Materialists argue that there is nothing other than the physical and mind is a physical process.

On the other extreme Idealists argue that mind is a non-physical aspect of consciousness.

Between the extremes is a gray area with a whole great big lot of combinations of the two.

Q. How do the materialists support their assertion that there is nothing other than the physical? I will Google Materialism and see what I can find.

Q. How do ideals t support their assertion that there is nothing other than consciousness? I will Google that too.


TZ: reality, we think of a state of mind. Without a human thought, the reality can't become a psychical.

E: That is how I understand it too. My reality (i.e., that which I experience) is a thought (a mental image my mind created)
If: I am a unit of consciousness
And: mind is an aspect of consciousness
Then: I (a unit of consciousness) generate the reality that I (a unit of consciousness) experience.

If: that is correct
Then: I cannot support the thesis that there is something other than consciousness…

But …but …but I cannot support the thesis that there are other units of consciousness, and solipsism rears its ugly and lonely head.
Of course if you tell that to Chaski he threatens to hit your toe with a hammer.
There are other ways to look at it but this post is already to long and I have an additional comment to address.

E: I am an individual unit of consciousness.

E: I experience a reality.

Premise: there are other individual units of consciousness

E: Other units of consciousness experience a reality.

TZ: maybe, reality is a simply human thought!

E: Maybe.


New Post! January 15, 2018 @ 12:59:21 pm
@Erimitus Said

"What does reality consist of?"

Truth. At the basic level, it's truth. Whether it is posited by perceptive subjectivity or it is independent of thought and completely extramental is another question, but reality is made of truth.


"How does reality originate?"

The depends on the answer to the second question above. If it is conceptual, it originates with sentience. If it is not, it doesn't originate and does not require a creator.


New Post! January 15, 2018 @ 02:34:20 pm
@Eaglebauer Said

Truth. At the basic level, it's truth. Whether it is posited by perceptive subjectivity or it is independent of thought and completely extramental is another question, but reality is made of truth.

The depends on the answer to the second question above. If it is conceptual, it originates with sentience. If it is not, it doesn't originate and does not require a creator.



New Post! January 15, 2018 @ 02:47:33 pm
There is that which is objectively real

There is that which is subjectively real


Objective Reality

That which is objectively real exists and continues to exist independent of perception.

Subjective Reality

That which is subjectively real only exists when it is being perceived

That which is subjectively real does not exist independent of perception


There is that which is perceptible

There is that which is NOT perceptible


Premise: Objects only exist in the mind of a perceiver

That which is perceptible is only an object when it is being perceived.

That which is not perceptible cannot be an object.

Is that correct?

There is truth

Truth is __________________________.


New Post! January 15, 2018 @ 03:01:14 pm
There is that which is neither an object or a subject.

There is that which is not perceptible

That which is not perceptible cannot be an object of perception.

That which cannot be an object of perception cannot be subjectively real.

That which is not perceptible is not objectively real (i.e., it cannot be an object of perception).

That which is not perceptible is not subjectively real.

That which is not perceptible may exist as a concept in a mind.

That which is a concept is a theory.

A theory is not an object.

A theory is not objectively real until it has been proven.

At this point it is (for me) all questions without answers.

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