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Practical "Science" Explanation for "Finding Jesus"?

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Electric_Banana On November 07, 2024

, New Zealand
#1New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 10:42:38
If you have faith in "God"
Then you would have enough faith to agree that "God" can tell itself better than you or anyone else can.

It's all back-handedly insulting, really, as somewhere in our early teens, instead of building a stronger connection to our intelligence we fall so far away from it that we have to crawl through miles of bull crap to get smart again.

Wouldn't it just be easier to explain the telepathy / Hive Mind theory and advise others that if they practice focus and teaching others in their imagination that they will eventually begin drawing the necessary intelligence and wisdom needed?

Is it really necessary for me to call them all into a little room and serve as a middle man who tosses in all of those other things that God does not tolerate like homosexuals and Wal-Mart?

Isn't it better to teach a man to fish so that you don't have to keep fishing for him?
magicgoat On July 05, 2013


Stockbridge, Georgia
#2New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 16:32:50
@Electric_Banana Said

If you have faith in "God"
Then you would have enough faith to agree that "God" can tell itself better than you or anyone else can.

I'd like to answer that. I'm going to rephrase the question but I want to ensure that it's the same:

Do you mean to say that if God has power, he has power to speak for himself? Or perhaps if God has the ability to speak he could speak for himself verses have prophets speak on His behalf?
JR_Sanford On August 02, 2017

Portland (St. Johns), Oregon
#3New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 18:03:49
@magicgoat Said

I'd like to answer that. I'm going to rephrase the question but I want to ensure that it's the same:

Do you mean to say that if God has power, he has power to speak for himself? Or perhaps if God has the ability to speak he could speak for himself verses have prophets speak on His behalf?

"if God has power" Check out Earth Quakes, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Tidal Waves, Planets, Stars, and Galaxies. Those seem immensely powerful to me. But, of course, I'm only Human.

someone_else_again On May 20, 2021
Really. Not a dude.

, Washington
#4New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 18:33:15
@Electric_Banana Said

Isn't it better to teach a man to fish so that you don't have to keep fishing for him?

Question: Do you write your thread title before or after you type your OP? The reason I'm asking is because your title seldom goes with your subject.
floydgirrl On October 08, 2022

Pope's Wine Celler, Holy See (
#5New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 18:39:27
Electric_Banana On November 07, 2024

, New Zealand
#6New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 18:50:05
@magicgoat Said

I'd like to answer that. I'm going to rephrase the question but I want to ensure that it's the same:

Do you mean to say that if God has power, he has power to speak for himself? Or perhaps if God has the ability to speak he could speak for himself verses have prophets speak on His behalf?

I'm saying that I suspect that we are all connected to one another through a hive mind.

That hive mind retains all of our accumulated better wisdoms and learnings and is a pool of knowledge accessible to all of us.

So instead of insisting that a preacher draw from that pool of knowledge and second-hand the information to everyone teach the people the basics of drawing from it themselves.
Electric_Banana On November 07, 2024

, New Zealand
#7New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 18:51:25
@JR_Sanford Said

"if God has power" Check out Earth Quakes, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Tidal Waves, Planets, Stars, and Galaxies. Those seem immensely powerful to me. But, of course, I'm only Human.


That's a natural force.

I'm talking about a sentient intelligence.
Electric_Banana On November 07, 2024

, New Zealand
#8New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 18:54:03
@someone_else_again Said

Question: Do you write your thread title before or after you type your OP? The reason I'm asking is because your title seldom goes with your subject.

So then my assumptions are wrong, the preachers are not attempting something this technical (nor believe in it) and rather just tricking everyone to psyche themselves up with a Dumbo's Feather?
someone_else_again On May 20, 2021
Really. Not a dude.

, Washington
#9New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 18:59:56
@Electric_Banana Said

So then my assumptions are wrong, the preachers are not attempting something this technical (nor believe in it) and rather just tricking everyone to psyche themselves up with a Dumbo's Feather?

You're going to have to attempt this one in English.
Freyathehippy On April 03, 2013


The bumhole of nowhere, United
#12New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 20:07:16
Maybe putting it into Texan would help?
someone_else_again On May 20, 2021
Really. Not a dude.

, Washington
#13New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 20:19:00
@Freyathehippy Said

Maybe putting it into Texan would help?

Help me? I'm not from that country.
Freyathehippy On April 03, 2013


The bumhole of nowhere, United
#14New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 20:23:45
@someone_else_again Said

Help me? I'm not from that country.

Well, apparently it's simpler than English
psycoskunk On December 24, 2020
Funky-Footed Skunk

A fort made of stinky socks, C
#15New Post! Mar 06, 2013 @ 20:25:49
@someone_else_again Said

Help me? I'm not from that country.

Texas is a country?

Or do you mean New Zealand?
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