I respect authority figures as long as they aren't b****es and a*****es. Unfortunately, there are a few of those around me.
Sometimes I truly believe a couple of people ENJOY my f***in' misery! I get 'called upon' for the stupidest s*** known to man!

Other people do whatever the hell they want to and these people seem to encourage it. I'm not worried, though, because they're very transparent. If they had to deal with me without their 'rank', I KNOW they wouldn't get away with it more than a minute! f***in' b****es!
My parents are very, very controlling but I've found a way to deal with them. They've made the mistake, more than once, of threatening my son and trying to control HIM like they've done with me throughout life. I lost control of my emotions (to say the least) and said some things I'd never say if not pissed off. They both looked like I'd knocked the breath out of them. I think they'll stay away from him for a while longer this time around.
There are some sites with mods that are ban happy but I just feel sorry for them. They must get a thrill from clicking on that mouse we can ALL use but don't have the same POW-WAH they do. God forbid that you get on their bad side (maybe by not being afraid of 'em?), especially when they're drunk. I'm shakin' in my boots!

Too bad we don't get to confront most of them one last time before they hit the ban button. Oh, and I won't get started on mods who join in the bullying of a single person.
I had a boss who would write all her employees up for things beyond their control. The woman acted like her feces didn't stink. The assistant manager told me she wrote us up so that if we dared to ask for a raise, she'd have some bulls*** reason not to give us one. She had a high employee turnover.