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Power Addiction: "You're Fired, " " You're Banned. " etc.

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jacobs On January 31, 2011


knoxville, Iowa
#1New Post! Sep 19, 2010 @ 02:17:23
I've been fired. I've been banned. I've been ostracized. I've been tossed out. I've had phone-calls blocked. But...

... for the most part, in my accumulated years of living -- I'd say 90% of people accept me, like me, find me valuable, and they don't try to get rid of me.

But occasionally I will find myself in a situation, where no matter how nice and good I try to be -- there will be a person who for one reason or another -- may just not like me or want me around.

It could be jealousy. It could be I annoy a certain element of their soul, that they do not want to uncover and face.

What bothers me -- is that some people are on power trips. They seem to like the "power" they must feel and the rush they must get -- to be in a position to kick people out -- and they use it. Way more than any normal person would.

I question a site like TFS -- that apparantly has a few people at the "top" running the place -- that seem to get a big kick -- out of "banning" people.

I question a boss -- that apparantly seems to enjoy the power to be able to say "You're fired." -- and takes advantage of this option -- many times more often -- than would normally be necessary -- with any other boss.

I question a family member -- who takes in a family member, but cannot resist the urge -- to constantly lord it over their head -- that if they do not "behave" -- that person -- will be thrown out into the street.

In jails you will find jailers, who seem to get off on some power-trip, and use that sense of power -- to constantly tread on another person's humanity and sense of pride.

"Crawl, sink low, take it, bow down and beg -- or I will eliminate you. I have power - and I must use it constantly to feed my ego."

I'd bet they lay in bed at night, drifting off to sleep, smiling about how many people they put "the fear of" into, that day.

The rest of humanity has compassion. We don't get off on another person's pain or misery or helplessness. We don't like making others crawl and feel bad.

Question yourself, if you are in a position of authority.

Do you get some sort of perverse pleasure -- making life more difficult for another human being?

Do you enjoy firing people, or writing them up, or kicking them out, or making them behave... (Yes sir, no sir...).

Question yourself. Are you sick like that? Should you try to address this wierdness?

I know I'm long-winded -- but when I lay out a subject -- I want it to be felt, and understood, and identified with. I want feedback and discussion on this topic.

I want you to speak about your own personal experiences with this situation. What are your thoughts?

Thank you for bearing with this long post.
Now it's your turn. I respect you. Speak.

FinchMeister On December 08, 2018

#2New Post! Sep 19, 2010 @ 02:58:23
Don't brag about it. More worse things will happen. Silence will fall.

Kattails On May 30, 2011

Finger Lakes, New York
#3New Post! Sep 19, 2010 @ 03:09:39
I think I've finally gotten to a point in my life where (I know this sounds corny) I love myself. Other people's actions, choices and bad behavior don't 'get my fur up' like they used to. I have to live with myself. They have to live with themselves. It sounds like it's THEIR (cumulative) problem. Try to not let it get to ya!
HiImDan On February 29, 2024

Cleveland, the boil on the but
#4New Post! Sep 19, 2010 @ 03:44:46
This forum is fair and unbiased. I know because in the past we could "neg" anyone for any reason and I got negged by someone five times for posting answers to their questions I complained to a mod and she took care of it (deleted all those negs). Another time I negged someone with a message "ignorance" in a pro Obama thread. Tino, who likes Obama could have ratted me out and he did not I've never forgotten theese two events I do agree, SOME PEOPLE let a little power go to their heads, I've been banned from other sites for no reason and I've had bosses who were on power trips
Mysteria On May 19, 2014
I Am Rogue!

A Small Town, Texas
#5New Post! Sep 19, 2010 @ 04:45:03
I respect authority figures as long as they aren't b****es and a*****es. Unfortunately, there are a few of those around me.
Sometimes I truly believe a couple of people ENJOY my f***in' misery! I get 'called upon' for the stupidest s*** known to man! Other people do whatever the hell they want to and these people seem to encourage it. I'm not worried, though, because they're very transparent. If they had to deal with me without their 'rank', I KNOW they wouldn't get away with it more than a minute! f***in' b****es!

My parents are very, very controlling but I've found a way to deal with them. They've made the mistake, more than once, of threatening my son and trying to control HIM like they've done with me throughout life. I lost control of my emotions (to say the least) and said some things I'd never say if not pissed off. They both looked like I'd knocked the breath out of them. I think they'll stay away from him for a while longer this time around.

There are some sites with mods that are ban happy but I just feel sorry for them. They must get a thrill from clicking on that mouse we can ALL use but don't have the same POW-WAH they do. God forbid that you get on their bad side (maybe by not being afraid of 'em?), especially when they're drunk. I'm shakin' in my boots! Too bad we don't get to confront most of them one last time before they hit the ban button. Oh, and I won't get started on mods who join in the bullying of a single person.

I had a boss who would write all her employees up for things beyond their control. The woman acted like her feces didn't stink. The assistant manager told me she wrote us up so that if we dared to ask for a raise, she'd have some bulls*** reason not to give us one. She had a high employee turnover.
FinchMeister On December 08, 2018

#6New Post! Sep 19, 2010 @ 04:53:19
@HiImDan Said

This forum is fair and unbiased. I know because in the past we could "neg" anyone for any reason and I got negged by someone five times for posting answers to their questions I complained to a mod and she took care of it (deleted all those negs). Another time I negged someone with a message "ignorance" in a pro Obama thread. Tino, who likes Obama could have ratted me out and he did not I've never forgotten theese two events I do agree, SOME PEOPLE let a little power go to their heads, I've been banned from other sites for no reason and I've had bosses who were on power trips

I have been banned completely from other forums for a better word MORONIC reasons!!
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