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Muslims should be required to register in a database..?

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chaski On February 04, 2025

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#1New Post! Nov 18, 2016 @ 23:56:41
I am going honest here.



I don't know the answer and have uncharacteristically not fact checked this topic.

Does Trump want Muslims to be required to register in a the USA...?
DuLu On January 11, 2017

Waverly, Washington
#2New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:05:39
I have no idea! Does that help?
Why would he want that?
Are all muslims suspect?

Whaaaaat? Ya didn't fact-check this? Oh boy, you are gonna be up a sh*t crik without a paddle.
chaski On February 04, 2025

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#3New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:19:46
@DuLu Said

I have no idea! Does that help?
Why would he want that?
Are all muslims suspect?

Whaaaaat? Ya didn't fact-check this? Oh boy, you are gonna be up a sh*t crik without a paddle.

I have no idea! Does that help?
No. It doesn't help. But, it is what I have been reading on all the media sites...from liberal to conservative....

Why would he want that?
Fear... or to play the fear card to get elected...

Are all muslims suspect?

I am waiting for a conservative fact checkesr to shoot this down or stand up for it.....

twilitezone911 On March 25, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#4New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:22:08
@chaski Said

I am going honest here.



I don't know the answer and have uncharacteristically not fact checked this topic.

Does Trump want Muslims to be required to register in a the USA...?

I think bozo is that serious about this issue.

I think bozo want muslims to register like the draft, that way in control of them in America.

don't be surprise that bozo would if he could put trace chip in every muslims in the usa.

put them all muslims in database, then Asians, blacks, and etc will be in another database.

welcome to 1984!
mrmhead On January 06, 2025

NE, Ohio
#5New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:23:50
Best I could interpret from several articles, This being one of them ,
it is a cross between Trump-speak and media putting words in his mouth and making it a headline.

It doesn't sound like he originally proposed the idea - the media asked if he would do it - , but he certainly didn't say No, and during the campaign he knew that would get him more air-time.
chaski On February 04, 2025

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#6New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:29:47
@twilitezone911 Said

I think bozo is that serious about this issue

@mrmhead Said

Best I could interpret ...he certainly didn't say No.

Clearly...for anyone who has been on TFS for any length of time would know...I am not a fan of religion.

However, this bothers me...

...a lot.

I want someone to fact check this an tell me " is false"
mrmhead On January 06, 2025

NE, Ohio
#7New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:39:41
@chaski Said

Does Trump want Muslims to be required to register in a the USA...?

@chaski Said

I want someone to fact check this an tell me " is false"

Technically speaking, only Trump know what he really wants

But has he stated that he would do it - NO
Has he stated that he wouldn't do it - NO

So, knowing the nature of him (his mouth), I doubt it would be implemented.
You also have to believe that the checks-and-balances of the gov't would keep him from doing that.

Hopefully we (they) have learned from the past - US Japanese internment, Jewish lists in Germany ...
LuckyCharms On July 31, 2021
Magically Delicious

#8New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:42:02
Hopefully saner minds will prevail. But this is the reality of letting the crazies get in power.

I have no idea if it will happen, but make no mistake the people that voted for Trump will find a way to rationalize this.

Be concerned.
mrmhead On January 06, 2025

NE, Ohio
#9New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:46:56
But we "Trumpians" can get a tattoo to proudly show our faith!

twilitezone911 On March 25, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#10New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:52:35
@chaski Said

Clearly...for anyone who has been on TFS for any length of time would know...I am not a fan of religion.

However, this bothers me...

...a lot.

I want someone to fact check this an tell me " is false"

chaski - I didn't you weren't a big fan of religion, neither am I? I don't post religion threads deals with stuff from the bible.

I do feel more members should express them without bible quotes, I can understand more. I turn off by bible quotes. I usually don't understand them, why do I need read something was written over 300 years ago.

you make your point from your heart, not quote.

chaski - you are right, I really don't trust most articles, because of if there are true or not. is reliable is the source.

if i want to space time to fact check everything, every time, a member or article poop on the internet on the forum. even I check the fact is true.

I might lost interest in read the article, it under " I don't care! " section. if I have to paid a fee to the website for " fact check ", forget, I am going for it, just for a fact.

what I wrote above, bozo is that kind of man, that wants the power to conquer anything, he is a very dangerous man with the power has soon going to get.
chaski On February 04, 2025

Tree at Floydgirrl's Window,
#11New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 00:58:08
@LuckyCharms Said

Hopefully saner minds will prevail. But this is the reality of letting the crazies get in power.

I have no idea if it will happen, but make no mistake the people that voted for Trump will find a way to rationalize this.

Be concerned.

What I don't understand is how this idea could even be a possibility....even the most remote distant possibility.

Just a few months ago I was defending the USA as being Great.

The fact that out president elect would even consider...even give it more than 1 second of consideration.../this proves that I was wrong.

I am still hoping for a "fact checker" to call me back to reality.

DiscordTiger On December 04, 2021
The Queen of Random


Emerald City, United States (g
#12New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 01:08:32
I can't find anything concrete either way.
That is part of why this is disturbing.
Ratty On November 08, 2021

So Cal, California
#13New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 01:26:34
@chaski Said

I am going honest here.



I don't know the answer and have uncharacteristically not fact checked this topic.

Does Trump want Muslims to be required to register in a the USA...?

I really start wringing my hands here when I think about this subject because it's a really slippery slope.

That being said EVERYONE in the country at and on some level is in a "database", so again, not really sure where to go with this argument.

I have no issue at all in not allow Muslims from certain countries such as Syria where we don't have a proper way to vet them, I don't mind having something in place to "highly vet" them or block them from entry, at least on some kind of temporary basis. Across the board banning of Muslims into this country is counter productive to the larger issue, but selective cases, no problem from me.
twilitezone911 On March 25, 2019

Saint Louis, Missouri
#14New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 01:29:50
it more interesting that if bozo he keep a lot of these away from the public. and probably bombs on us in his " state of address " in January or whenever.

bozo is moving fast on his new cabinet choices. he planned out a lot of things during the election. was really coincidence that he build his business near the white house. now, he wouldn't move in to the white house, but he wants live his own place down the street from the white house.

a couple of months, I refer on the forum, I think about as a " Manchurian candidate " that bozo is one. I know far fetch then. but it make sense now, a little bit.

think bozo could offer by Russia or china or the same kind of texas group that bump off jfk in 60's.

who would expect bozo like trump to run for president, if he is not front of conspiracy to take over the government. bozo is the perfect pasty for the conspiracy.

so now, who is or what group is control of the puppet, we know as president-ed Donald trump?
DiscordTiger On December 04, 2021
The Queen of Random


Emerald City, United States (g
#15New Post! Nov 19, 2016 @ 01:39:03
@Ratty Said

I really start wringing my hands here when I think about this subject because it's a really slippery slope.

That being said EVERYONE in the country at and on some level is in a "database", so again, not really sure where to go with this argument.

I have no issue at all in not allow Muslims from certain countries such as Syria where we don't have a proper way to vet them, I don't mind having something in place to "highly vet" them or block them from entry, at least on some kind of temporary basis. Across the board banning of Muslims into this country is counter productive to the larger issue, but selective cases, no problem from me.

We are already vetting them. It's a 18-24 months process with multiple agencies conducting background checks.

Short of some ability to predict the future like minority report, and even that was flawed, there is always a possibility of anything.

I haven't seen anyone against quality vetting. Registration is not vetting.
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