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How do you actually "make your move"? (Gay, bi, straight people)

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dazedapathy On April 21, 2009

New York city, New York
#1New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:18:43
So how do you do it without actually making yourself look like a freak? I'm talking about hitting on someone of the same gender as you are. or whatever.
Because I really have the problem of turning too shy or too serious when I'm talking to someone I really like. Ending up giving them the impression that either I'm a serious person ,or worse, a snob. (Which I'm not, it's just that it's difficult for me to inject humor to conversations when I'm not familiar with him/ her)
How do you start it off? Conversations, I know, but how? what?
Any stories that worked?
Kasabian On May 25, 2009


, United Kingdom
#2New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:27:50
I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body and just start talking about random stupid stuff. like a stephen king novel or multivitamins...
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#3New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:30:44
My first move is usually Kp to K4.

Hang on...this isn't about chess is it?
Kasabian On May 25, 2009


, United Kingdom
#4New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:32:50
@Wheezy_Knight Said

My first move is usually Kp to K4.

Hang on...this isn't about chess is it?

dazedapathy On April 21, 2009

New York city, New York
#5New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:32:53
@Wheezy_Knight Said

My first move is usually Kp to K4.

Hang on...this isn't about chess is it?

Haha I'm afraid not.
dazedapathy On April 21, 2009

New York city, New York
#6New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:35:58
I really want something good. I want to try for a change to have someone I really like in the first place, instead of being with someone who had liked me first. Get it?
Kasabian On May 25, 2009


, United Kingdom
#7New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:37:44
@dazedapathy Said

I really want something good. I want to try for a change to have someone I really like in the first place, instead of being with someone who had liked me first. Get it?

are you hot?

why do you have aproblem being chatted up?
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#8New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:43:12
It's all about non-verbal communication, it makes no difference if you are straight/Bi/Gay/whatever, the signals are the same.

If you can't read those signals then it doesn't matter what you want or think, you are going home alone.
boxerdc On December 18, 2012


#9New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:45:26
@Wheezy_Knight Said

It's all about non-verbal communication, it makes no difference if you are straight/Bi/Gay/whatever, the signals are the same.

If you can't read those signals then it doesn't matter what you want or think, you are going home alone.

I could not agree more. I just smile, and keep my big stupid cake hole shut as much as possible. There's plenty of time for talking over breakfast the next morning.
dlsharp On November 30, 2015

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
#10New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:48:06
Try, say, "I'm a hot bi-chick and a world class surfer." It works for sassi.
dazedapathy On April 21, 2009

New York city, New York
#11New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:50:13
Well, I'm normally a reserved person. I'm not accustomed to talking to people of just random stuffs, really don't know how to carry a conversation I'm not much familiar with. I don't know. Also if I don't have anything good to say I don't say it.... which really makes it awkward at times. I really get along well with fun, chatty people as oppossed to quiet people.
I don't always (Seldom I think) initiate a conversation you see.
What is really there to talk about anyway?
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#12New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:50:20
@boxerdc Said

I could not agree more. I just smile, and keep my big stupid cake hole shut as much as possible. .

It's definitely the way forward. 8)
Wheezy_Knight On February 24, 2012


Ankh-Morpork, United Kingdom
#13New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 15:52:40
@dazedapathy Said

What is really there to talk about anyway?

Their favorite topic..themselves. Smile, look interested, and let them talk about themselves.

The odd thing is, although you've said nothing, they'll perceive you as "interesting".
dazedapathy On April 21, 2009

New York city, New York
#14New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 16:21:31
@Wheezy_Knight Said

Their favorite topic..themselves. Smile, look interested, and let them talk about themselves.

The odd thing is, although you've said nothing, they'll perceive you as "interesting".

ah really, I had that. Afterwards I'm no longer interested in her.
dazedapathy On April 21, 2009

New York city, New York
#15New Post! Nov 22, 2008 @ 16:23:29
maybe I should try that more...
Yeah... but what if "I" want to initiate a conversation to a seemingly serious, intelectual person? I can't just always smile right?
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