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Posers, pretenders, and morons (Language alert!) Rant

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lela On September 21, 2010


#121New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 00:05:11
@Sebastian Said

So yeah, I'm not good with writing stuff for others to read. But in light of recent events in and surrounding my life, I have found some truths that very few people even think of, let alone use. And sadly, they are the ones that shape our lives and most profoundly affect the lives of those around us. So here goes.

I have had enough of people pretending to be what they aren't. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I'm pissed I need to rant.

Ok, here's the deal: I'm sick of white guys calling themselves "thugs", I'm tired of old people saying they are "70 years young", and I'm tired of fat girls wearing shirts that say "Hottie"! Why can't you f***ers accept who you are?

Every day you see people claiming to be something they just aren't. A white teenage boy living in a small hick mountain town, listening to rap and wearing baggy clothes, telling everyone how "pimp" he is. Hey, dumbass, you're white, you are definitely not a city kid, and couldn't be a "gangsta" if your life depended on it.

A man or woman proudly stating they are "redneck". Hey, waterhead, if you hate NASCAR, hate to fish, hate to hunt, and spend 10+ hours online, you're a f***ing GEEK. Not a redneck.

An ugly overwheight chick with acne, a horrible attitude, and a bad dye job claiming to be "hot". Okay, listen up sister. You're ugly enough to gag a maggot. Fat rolls pinched together between an ugly tube top and dirty jeans does NOT make you look "hot". It makes you look like a can of ready-mix biscuits popped in the sun. You better go clean up your attitude and put those "overweight" clothes back on, because if you ever want to find a decent guy you need to get better personality, not show off those cottage-cheese tits.

Hey a*****e....yeah you, the one with a tribal and 85 pounds of metal hanging off your head. Your not just a freak. No one sees that and say "f*** me...he's a bad-ass". They say "f*** him, he's a dumbass". I'm not saying it's wrong, I';m just saying that when people treat you like you are weird, it's because you probably are. you have no right to get pissed when you did that to yourself. deal with it.

Hey, chick with the black hair. Acting depressed, dying your hair and painting everything black doesn't make you a goth. It makes you a s***ty cosmetologist. If you want to cry and whine how bad life sucks, do it in your room, no one gives a s***. You know why? Because we all have problems, s***head. So suck it up, stop being a pussy. It's not "self-expression", it's f***ing annoying. So shut the hell up.

What's so wrong with just being yourself? Granted not everyone will like you. But if you keep pretending to be someone you are OBVIOUSLY not, everyone WILL hate you....and rightly so. So f*** all those who can't cowboy up and be real. f*** all of you that can't just grow a proverbial set and tell people "This is who I with it." no one is impressed when your mouth is writing checks your sorry a** can't cash.

It's time to grow up people. Stop being pussies, stop being followers. Don't follow. Don't lead. Walk your own path, numbnuts. All you do when you walk in someone else's shoes is get athlete's foot. Time to come to terms with yourself, and quit trying to fit in. Like they say, you can't put a square peg into a round hole, no matter how many times the peg says it's round. Grow up, be an adult, and be the real you. Stop making excuses or reasons for being someone else's b****. Because let's face it. when you live life according to someone else's standards, you will ALWAYS be someone's b****. And that leads to keeping your attitude right...

How hard can it be? Watching the news every day, I see more and more people losing it over stupid s***. Some guy shot up a store over a refused refund, kids throwing lead all over a school because someone picked on them too much, mother kills her kids with a butcher knife because she was stressed, husband puts 3 rounds into his wife's head because she cheated, etc. etc. etc.

Come on people, when is it time to grow up and face reality? Life isn't fair, people suck, bad things happen to good people. It sucks, I agree. But things don't go rosey all the time for anyone. You having a rough day? Yeah, you and 5 million other people. You lost your wallet? Someone out there lost a child. Your puppy died? Someone elses wife died. No matter how bad it gets, someone else has it worse. Yet they work through it, and move on. They learn to live on, and enjoy what good things life has to offer in spite of the rough times between.

The beauty of it all is no matter how bad it is, it will get better. The great thing about life is that it never stops, it keeps going on, with or without you. Yeah, so today sucks. But hey, tomorrow is coming. And you never know, that could be the day it all changes. And if not, then the day after that. Time keeps going on, days keep coming. The only one that can stop changing is you. If one problem, one bad thing ruins your life, it is YOUR fault. You can choose to move past it, to live on and learn from it.

Character is not built from easy times and good events. True character comes from having hard times and learning to cope with problems. Think of the nicest, most mellow person you ever met. If you think back on their life, you'd be surprised that the nicest, coolest people had the hardest life. And they never snapped, they never gave up. No matter how many times the y got screwed, they let it go and kept moving on.

A great boxer isn't the guy that had easy fights. A great boxer is they guy that worked hard, got his a** kicked all around the ring a few times, and learned from the beatings he took. But the bruised faded, the cuts healed, the black eyes went away, and he kept going. Greatness didn't find him. He didn't fall into it. He worked hard through rough times, and fought through hell to get it.

How hard can it be to keep getting back up? No it's not easy. But it's a lot easier to get back up and keep going than sit and whine, b**** and cry about how bad you have it. People respect someone that perserveres. That works for what they have, and earned the respect for who they are. But if you are one of these emo, cry-baby, pussy mother f***ers that expects someone else to pity you and fix s*** for you, no one respects you. No one likes you. They despise and ridicule you, and they should. How hard can it be to realize that everyone else is just like you. You aren't special because you deserve it. You become special because you earn it. Period.

Little kids cry when things go wrong. Little kids whine when they can't get their own way. Babies cry because they want attention. Adults just live life, and earn respect and attention. So how hard can it be to stop being a little kid? How hard can it be to stop being a baby, grow up and be a man or a woman who stood on their own two feet and took life on the chin? In reality, pain fades, wounds heal, and times change. So stop living in the past, stop being life's little b****. Grab it by the horns, and show life who the real boss is.

Stop being a pussy. Pure and simple. after all, how hard can it be?

I want to be impressed. I am sick of being disappointed in people. You want to impress people? Well, it's really very simple. I've reconnected with what does and does not impress me. It seems so many people are overly impressed with such mundane s***, and don't really take the time to think it through. For example, A guy sees a beautiful girl. She walks sexy, has nice tits, and shakes that a** like there is no tomorrow. Immediately she becomes his top priority. He is impressed. He begins to plan the hunt. Conversation, flowers, dinners, etc. Pretty soon he is a semi-relationship, but what does it mean? Yeah, she's hot. And about as smart as a box of bricks. And the personality of a wet towel. I'm not impressed. Eventually, the only thing they have in common is the fact that his initial impression was right: she's hot. And that's it. It didn't matter how sexy her clothes fit, how she did her makeup, or anything else. What mattered is that in the end, she was an unimpressive egomaniac, and wanted him for nothing but a mealticket.

And the reverse happens as well, ladies, so hold on. He walks in the room, all muscles and tight jeans, his "package" is large and obvious, his hair done just so, and the rugged good looks that melt you into your panties. She takes the initiative, and they date for a while, and eventually she finds out he a shallow, limp-d***ed, semi-retarded stud with the common sense of a f***ing fruit fly. He has no ambition past dipping his wick, and she was simply an accessory to drag around to prove that he was desirable to women. Eventually they split, leaving her completely umimpressed, deflated, depressed, and feeling ugly. I'm not impressed.

I don't care how tough you look, how pretty you are, who you know, how much money you have, or what you last name is. I'm not impressed by any of that. Oh sure, someone might be, but in the end you'll find out they were using you in one way or another, because all those things don't count for s*** in the end.

You want to impress people? BE YOURSELF. f*** how you look, what label is on your clothes, etc. etc. etc. No one truly gives a s*** unless they are shallow and unimpressive as well. Grow a personality. Actually get to know the people you meet. Take a second and help a stranger. Why? Because it leaves a good impression, and we live life on impressions. You give someone the wrong impression from the start, you could easily kill a great realtionship before it ever had a chance. You want to be liked? You want to be noticed? You want to be rememebered? IMPRESS US!

Impressions, and impact...things people forget about all too often. Everything you say is remembered, thought on, stored, and acted upon. Maybe not by you, maybe not around you...but always there somewhere. A word to a stranger, and an opinion is formed. A joke to a coworker, and their attitude is affected. While we all heard it growing up from parents, teachers, preachers, etc., your words are you to the world. A stranger bumps you, and you get rude, they form an opininon of you for the REST of their life. That may not seem to matter, but it does. An off-color joke that offends someone that may not be as "open" as you can ruin their day. What we must all remember is when we die our legacy is not governed ny anything as much as by what we say.

It only takes a minute to hurt someone with cruel comment. To discourage someone with harsh criticism. If Jesus acted the way we do towards people he dealt with, we would never have heard of him. One mean statement, one wrong accusation can turn people against you for the rest of your life. One word of anger can destroy a relationship before it ever gets started. No matter how nice you are, one bad moment, one careless flippant remark can ruin years of kindness.

Caution your tongue, think before you speak. If someone makes a foolish mistake, don't point it out, just kindly and tactfully help them fix it. When someone gets rude with you, wish them a good day. You don't know why they are in a foul mood, and a kind word from a stranger could make all the difference in their life at that moment. Think of the bad days you've had, and how one kind comment from some random person could have or did make it just a little easier to bear. Then be that person for someone else.

If we all took it upon ourselves to be kind to ONE person every day, think of the change that would make on the entire world. And the beauty of it is, after a short time, that thoguht, that promise would become second nature, and a way of life all the time, not once a day. And what a difference that would make in all our lives. Treat everyone you meet as if they were a family member, and soon we would be a huge family, all looking out for one another, helping, confiding, consoling, comforting one another. You want to change the world? Change the way you talk. Maybe you could start the revolution, and bring humanity back to the human race.

I hope I made some valid points, and I hope it's not too spread all over to make sense. But I do feel better getting that all out. I just wonder if I'm the only one out there that thinks like this.

That's all well and good, but I don't like what your sig about being mentally retarded or competing in the Special Olympics. Would you say this to one of them? "You won a gold medal, but you're still retarded."
Sebastian On July 14, 2010

Small Mountain toen in the hea
#122New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 00:15:54
@lela Said

That's all well and good, but I don't like what your sig about being mentally retarded or competing in the Special Olympics. Would you say this to one of them? "You won a gold medal, but you're still retarded."

Well, of course not. But the sig is not poking fun at mentally challenged people as much as it is making a point about pointless arguments online. However, I would be happy to remove it if you find it offensive, I never meant it that way. My apologies, ma'am.
Sebastian On July 14, 2010

Small Mountain toen in the hea
#123New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 00:21:43
@lela Said

That's all well and good, but I don't like what your sig about being mentally retarded or competing in the Special Olympics. Would you say this to one of them? "You won a gold medal, but you're still retarded."

I did change my signature, ma'am, it may take a bit to be pout into effect. I am very sorry to have offended you.
lela On September 21, 2010


#124New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 00:25:46
@Sebastian Said

Well, of course not. But the sig is not poking fun at mentally challenged people as much as it is making a point about pointless arguments online. However, I would be happy to remove it if you find it offensive, I never meant it that way. My apologies, ma'am.

@Sebastian Said

I did change my signature, ma'am, it may take a bit to be pout into effect. I am very sorry to have offended you.

You can do whatever you want. I'm sure if you explained it to a mentally challenged person they'd understand...
Sebastian On July 14, 2010

Small Mountain toen in the hea
#125New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 00:28:52
@lela Said

You can do whatever you want. I'm sure if you explained it to a mentally challenged person they'd understand...

well to be honest, I didn't find it offensive because of what it meant, but on second look I guess it was rather inappropriate. But it's all good, I likes my new one better
lela On September 21, 2010


#126New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 00:31:11
@Sebastian Said

well to be honest, I didn't find it offensive because of what it meant, but on second look I guess it was rather inappropriate. But it's all good, I likes my new one better

IDK it's something that hits close to home. Peace out.
Sebastian On July 14, 2010

Small Mountain toen in the hea
#127New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 00:32:12
@lela Said

IDK it's something that hits close to home. Peace out. have a good day ma'am.
Draco On August 28, 2017

In the imaginary city that is
#128New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 06:30:54
@Sebastian Said

So yeah, I'm not good with writing stuff for others to read. But in light of recent events in and surrounding my life, I have found some truths that very few people even think of, let alone use. And sadly, they are the ones that shape our lives and most profoundly affect the lives of those around us. So here goes.

I have had enough of people pretending to be what they aren't. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I'm pissed I need to rant.

Ok, here's the deal: I'm sick of white guys calling themselves "thugs", I'm tired of old people saying they are "70 years young", and I'm tired of fat girls wearing shirts that say "Hottie"! Why can't you f***ers accept who you are?

Every day you see people claiming to be something they just aren't. A white teenage boy living in a small hick mountain town, listening to rap and wearing baggy clothes, telling everyone how "pimp" he is. Hey, dumbass, you're white, you are definitely not a city kid, and couldn't be a "gangsta" if your life depended on it.

A man or woman proudly stating they are "redneck". Hey, waterhead, if you hate NASCAR, hate to fish, hate to hunt, and spend 10+ hours online, you're a f***ing GEEK. Not a redneck.

An ugly overwheight chick with acne, a horrible attitude, and a bad dye job claiming to be "hot". Okay, listen up sister. You're ugly enough to gag a maggot. Fat rolls pinched together between an ugly tube top and dirty jeans does NOT make you look "hot". It makes you look like a can of ready-mix biscuits popped in the sun. You better go clean up your attitude and put those "overweight" clothes back on, because if you ever want to find a decent guy you need to get better personality, not show off those cottage-cheese tits.

Hey a*****e....yeah you, the one with a tribal and 85 pounds of metal hanging off your head. Your not just a freak. No one sees that and say "f*** me...he's a bad-ass". They say "f*** him, he's a dumbass". I'm not saying it's wrong, I';m just saying that when people treat you like you are weird, it's because you probably are. you have no right to get pissed when you did that to yourself. deal with it.

Hey, chick with the black hair. Acting depressed, dying your hair and painting everything black doesn't make you a goth. It makes you a s***ty cosmetologist. If you want to cry and whine how bad life sucks, do it in your room, no one gives a s***. You know why? Because we all have problems, s***head. So suck it up, stop being a pussy. It's not "self-expression", it's f***ing annoying. So shut the hell up.

What's so wrong with just being yourself? Granted not everyone will like you. But if you keep pretending to be someone you are OBVIOUSLY not, everyone WILL hate you....and rightly so. So f*** all those who can't cowboy up and be real. f*** all of you that can't just grow a proverbial set and tell people "This is who I with it." no one is impressed when your mouth is writing checks your sorry a** can't cash.

It's time to grow up people. Stop being pussies, stop being followers. Don't follow. Don't lead. Walk your own path, numbnuts. All you do when you walk in someone else's shoes is get athlete's foot. Time to come to terms with yourself, and quit trying to fit in. Like they say, you can't put a square peg into a round hole, no matter how many times the peg says it's round. Grow up, be an adult, and be the real you. Stop making excuses or reasons for being someone else's b****. Because let's face it. when you live life according to someone else's standards, you will ALWAYS be someone's b****. And that leads to keeping your attitude right...

How hard can it be? Watching the news every day, I see more and more people losing it over stupid s***. Some guy shot up a store over a refused refund, kids throwing lead all over a school because someone picked on them too much, mother kills her kids with a butcher knife because she was stressed, husband puts 3 rounds into his wife's head because she cheated, etc. etc. etc.

Come on people, when is it time to grow up and face reality? Life isn't fair, people suck, bad things happen to good people. It sucks, I agree. But things don't go rosey all the time for anyone. You having a rough day? Yeah, you and 5 million other people. You lost your wallet? Someone out there lost a child. Your puppy died? Someone elses wife died. No matter how bad it gets, someone else has it worse. Yet they work through it, and move on. They learn to live on, and enjoy what good things life has to offer in spite of the rough times between.

The beauty of it all is no matter how bad it is, it will get better. The great thing about life is that it never stops, it keeps going on, with or without you. Yeah, so today sucks. But hey, tomorrow is coming. And you never know, that could be the day it all changes. And if not, then the day after that. Time keeps going on, days keep coming. The only one that can stop changing is you. If one problem, one bad thing ruins your life, it is YOUR fault. You can choose to move past it, to live on and learn from it.

Character is not built from easy times and good events. True character comes from having hard times and learning to cope with problems. Think of the nicest, most mellow person you ever met. If you think back on their life, you'd be surprised that the nicest, coolest people had the hardest life. And they never snapped, they never gave up. No matter how many times the y got screwed, they let it go and kept moving on.

A great boxer isn't the guy that had easy fights. A great boxer is they guy that worked hard, got his a** kicked all around the ring a few times, and learned from the beatings he took. But the bruised faded, the cuts healed, the black eyes went away, and he kept going. Greatness didn't find him. He didn't fall into it. He worked hard through rough times, and fought through hell to get it.

How hard can it be to keep getting back up? No it's not easy. But it's a lot easier to get back up and keep going than sit and whine, b**** and cry about how bad you have it. People respect someone that perserveres. That works for what they have, and earned the respect for who they are. But if you are one of these emo, cry-baby, pussy mother f***ers that expects someone else to pity you and fix s*** for you, no one respects you. No one likes you. They despise and ridicule you, and they should. How hard can it be to realize that everyone else is just like you. You aren't special because you deserve it. You become special because you earn it. Period.

Little kids cry when things go wrong. Little kids whine when they can't get their own way. Babies cry because they want attention. Adults just live life, and earn respect and attention. So how hard can it be to stop being a little kid? How hard can it be to stop being a baby, grow up and be a man or a woman who stood on their own two feet and took life on the chin? In reality, pain fades, wounds heal, and times change. So stop living in the past, stop being life's little b****. Grab it by the horns, and show life who the real boss is.

Stop being a pussy. Pure and simple. after all, how hard can it be?

I want to be impressed. I am sick of being disappointed in people. You want to impress people? Well, it's really very simple. I've reconnected with what does and does not impress me. It seems so many people are overly impressed with such mundane s***, and don't really take the time to think it through. For example, A guy sees a beautiful girl. She walks sexy, has nice tits, and shakes that a** like there is no tomorrow. Immediately she becomes his top priority. He is impressed. He begins to plan the hunt. Conversation, flowers, dinners, etc. Pretty soon he is a semi-relationship, but what does it mean? Yeah, she's hot. And about as smart as a box of bricks. And the personality of a wet towel. I'm not impressed. Eventually, the only thing they have in common is the fact that his initial impression was right: she's hot. And that's it. It didn't matter how sexy her clothes fit, how she did her makeup, or anything else. What mattered is that in the end, she was an unimpressive egomaniac, and wanted him for nothing but a mealticket.

And the reverse happens as well, ladies, so hold on. He walks in the room, all muscles and tight jeans, his "package" is large and obvious, his hair done just so, and the rugged good looks that melt you into your panties. She takes the initiative, and they date for a while, and eventually she finds out he a shallow, limp-d***ed, semi-retarded stud with the common sense of a f***ing fruit fly. He has no ambition past dipping his wick, and she was simply an accessory to drag around to prove that he was desirable to women. Eventually they split, leaving her completely umimpressed, deflated, depressed, and feeling ugly. I'm not impressed.

I don't care how tough you look, how pretty you are, who you know, how much money you have, or what you last name is. I'm not impressed by any of that. Oh sure, someone might be, but in the end you'll find out they were using you in one way or another, because all those things don't count for s*** in the end.

You want to impress people? BE YOURSELF. f*** how you look, what label is on your clothes, etc. etc. etc. No one truly gives a s*** unless they are shallow and unimpressive as well. Grow a personality. Actually get to know the people you meet. Take a second and help a stranger. Why? Because it leaves a good impression, and we live life on impressions. You give someone the wrong impression from the start, you could easily kill a great realtionship before it ever had a chance. You want to be liked? You want to be noticed? You want to be rememebered? IMPRESS US!

Impressions, and impact...things people forget about all too often. Everything you say is remembered, thought on, stored, and acted upon. Maybe not by you, maybe not around you...but always there somewhere. A word to a stranger, and an opinion is formed. A joke to a coworker, and their attitude is affected. While we all heard it growing up from parents, teachers, preachers, etc., your words are you to the world. A stranger bumps you, and you get rude, they form an opininon of you for the REST of their life. That may not seem to matter, but it does. An off-color joke that offends someone that may not be as "open" as you can ruin their day. What we must all remember is when we die our legacy is not governed ny anything as much as by what we say.

It only takes a minute to hurt someone with cruel comment. To discourage someone with harsh criticism. If Jesus acted the way we do towards people he dealt with, we would never have heard of him. One mean statement, one wrong accusation can turn people against you for the rest of your life. One word of anger can destroy a relationship before it ever gets started. No matter how nice you are, one bad moment, one careless flippant remark can ruin years of kindness.

Caution your tongue, think before you speak. If someone makes a foolish mistake, don't point it out, just kindly and tactfully help them fix it. When someone gets rude with you, wish them a good day. You don't know why they are in a foul mood, and a kind word from a stranger could make all the difference in their life at that moment. Think of the bad days you've had, and how one kind comment from some random person could have or did make it just a little easier to bear. Then be that person for someone else.

If we all took it upon ourselves to be kind to ONE person every day, think of the change that would make on the entire world. And the beauty of it is, after a short time, that thoguht, that promise would become second nature, and a way of life all the time, not once a day. And what a difference that would make in all our lives. Treat everyone you meet as if they were a family member, and soon we would be a huge family, all looking out for one another, helping, confiding, consoling, comforting one another. You want to change the world? Change the way you talk. Maybe you could start the revolution, and bring humanity back to the human race.

I hope I made some valid points, and I hope it's not too spread all over to make sense. But I do feel better getting that all out. I just wonder if I'm the only one out there that thinks like this.

You got to many kudos I'm not gonna add to the telly, good rant, I think it comes down to rejection....people can't handel they become someone others like.

As for the sexy girl swinging her but and what use you have a babe and all you can do with her is stare at her sexy so many cases this is true...

Unfortunately...this rant won't change these's unfortunate, that we....are flaw....we are the scum of this earth...and we prove it daily all ove the world...
TenaciousDave On February 11, 2022
The Anus Of Satan

Jeffrey Dahmer's Lunchbox,
#129New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 06:53:54
treebee On April 13, 2015
Government Hooker


London, United Kingdom
#130New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 07:26:57
ahh be nice Sebastian Why does it matter what other people are like?
jmo On April 29, 2021
Beruset af Julebryg

Yorkshire, United Kingdom
#131New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 07:36:53
White men can't be thugs now? Every single thug I know is white. I think that's a little racist Sebastian.

I didn't read the rest of the post.
Sebastian On July 14, 2010

Small Mountain toen in the hea
#132New Post! Jun 01, 2010 @ 12:02:04
@jmo Said

White men can't be thugs now? Every single thug I know is white. I think that's a little racist Sebastian.

I didn't read the rest of the post.

then you missed the whole point...but that's okay. Actually, it's not at all racist if taken into context with the rest of the post though.
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