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Vancouver, Canada
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TFS Journal


New Post! May 19, 2021 @ 01:32:03 am
I am at the library Carnegie at E Hasting and Main.
I live diagonal from here....
I pass by Kwok Wah ( GuoHua ) store twice everyday, once shortly before 4pm once around 5pm ( when I go home ) Chinatown Vancouver. BC Canada.

My routine is 4-5pm at Chinatown plaza 180 Keefer St. Van.BC Canada.
Mall Entrance. Looking for and waiting for a contingency lawyer.

The Pandemic puts on hold alot of activities, also my website.
My laptop is broken and so I have not updated it. I have to go to the main library to do so for this small library where I live the computer is new but very slow.
(Please check if the memory slots have been reduced and memory strips stolen )

There is clouds and rays of cold air going to my head and this makes me slower in memory retrieval...but when I have some exercise, this goes away. One of the reason why I am wearing a construction worker cap, for this bears weight,improving circulation and more protection.

The cold clouds of air transmitted by putting a dish of coolant from the fridge at chip readers' line emission outlet creates vaso-constriction and diminished neuro transmitter is secreted. So people are slower in memory retrieval. Please eradicate all these and jail whoever keeping on doing this to me. This also reduce blood flow to organs, so the waste air is trapped within the cells, so that part with diminished blood flow will be '' swollen''. This is how they also make your face bloated square and puffy to look much older. And make you have a runny tummy when your intestine swells with lots of trapped air inside.

The type of acupuncture doll remote acting by radio frequency targeted by your RFID chip under the skin are confiscated by US Seatle border years ago. (Trafficker is also Chan Lai Nar and her family - they ran bail )
So for those mediocre doctors, this thing exists and you do not label people out of your ignorance.

Shinto, Mau Shan religions are users of resurrection with a different torso. This exists and doctors should know more about religion '' as well'' even though they hate the fact that those they pronounced dead can be so easily brought back to life.... afew years in the university as top student may not land you these types of knowledge.

Also alot of doctors did not study physics when they were in senior high school, they were in the biology and chemistry stream.

RFID chips and RFID chip readers ( long range radio frequency chip readers ) are physics. And the chips are under the skin can be as small as a piece of thread or sesame. As long as there is semiconductor element in there, this is visible under xray.
This is like a mobile under the skin. ( former spies use this to communicate with their superior, now this type of communication is very common among '' ordinary people'' as more and more are agent trained or in agent families.. )

So don't think you can label anyone hallucination without aftermath consequences.... there is precedence cases set up in Toronto years ago, and this is good not just in Toronto but whole of Canada.
Mislabeling costs your practice insurance. Do that at your own risk.
And ordinary house wives get compensation for 37K a year being mislabeled by ignorant and wicked psychiatrist.

Don't grow your department this way.
You ruin alot of people's future in doing so and these should be condemned lives after lives... as many lives they have ruined others to grow their funding from the government and the human trafficker database...

Tak - phD


New Post! May 22, 2021 @ 01:23:07 am
Uncle Fung Kwok King or Kwok Lun was not seen yet....
Fung Tak Lun is one of those chip reading me he should tell uncle where to find me according to my routine.

Long week end, going to the library at Carnegie - Hasting and Main to look for DVD to watch at home.
Still doing the daily routine to wait for contingency lawyers at Chinatown Plaza mall entrance 4pm for an hour outside where the bench is.
With a yellow construction cap, big nylon bag white with checkers.
Huge claim and looking for bold and daring lawyers that can help me.
My phone line never works in Vancouver. So I need a referrer to bring me a lawyer to talk in person.
George Li got too many shares at Telus and he is the one accompliced with his surrogate Chan Lai Nar to steal my pay check from PCCW in HK in 2013. I should be paid 6 percent of the money brought by privatization in 2006 not less than one percent..
George plastic surgery Chan into my face.

Is Alex Alexander OK? George said he gun down his ship... another boasting fear so people are on his side or not? But I still heard Alex voice via the chip ...

Something about that vaccine annoying.
And they try to make something to make it mandatory for all to take like Vaccine passports.... looks to me like that of 1930's in Warsar..
You have to have one to pass through..

Vaccine is something to induce antigen so that antibody is produced by the body. In fact you are injecting the virus into the body but with minimal amount so that body generate defense mechanism to prevent outburst of the illness. There are cases which people still contracted the sickness. And over 1000 are actually in hospital after taking the vaccine. So you have to have good immune system to take it.
Hence I recommend a good protein diet for a week before taking it.

This is no Russia, you cannot use tricks to get your ways on people.
You can do your kick back in buying the vaccine, we don't care.
But you cannot force everyone to take it or use propaganda to make fear or power.

96% recovery rate and it is much less detrimental than cancer or stroke.
They only use the '' numbers '' of contraction to boast fear.
How many got common cold in a year? This figure is even worse.
But how many recovered? 100% just 4 percent more.
We don't have to take a vaccine for common cold.

If we have to leave the country, if the airline permits, we can still take the flight without taking the vaccine. We are no dogs that need to be vaccinated before taking the plane.
If another country needs it, we can take the vaccine over there or
take their quarantine arrangements.

What they are doing is simply spreading white terror.

Tak - phD and AOV

( AOV is a hand vein on the back of right hand - Alpha Omega V)


New Post! May 27, 2021 @ 12:37:50 am
is searching for a probono/contingency lawyer to go after her
consulting fees... if anyone can refer her one, and find her where
she is at.  (16% is a huge payout if succeed.)


Li, brother of Richard got a surrogate Chan Lai Nar who plastic
surgery into Tak's face and stole the PCCW cheque payable to Lun
Yee Tak Priscilla, ( Tak ) and cashed it with George in India 2013.
Li used Tak 20 years for consulting ideas, messing up her phone line
preventing her from working for others. Li never pay Lun a cent in
compensation nor consulting fees. George Li people still chip read to
soft detent 
Tak preventing her from hiring by other
people. And the Chans keep on defaming Tak calling her as whores and
cleaners to switch identity with those they sell Tak's ID number
to...This Chan Lai Nar and Chan Lai Lay (- sister also plastic
surgery into Lun yeetak/ Tak's face) got police records in Hong Kong
stealing identity of Tak/ Lun Yeetak Priscilla's HKID D321396(0) and
SIN 497237701 since mid 90s . Please check with Central cheque
clearing database in Hong Kong to affirm. Also auditors of PCCW
should have copies of large amount of cheques - 17million USD. Tak is
in Canada 2013 suggesting privatisation in 2004, chip read by Johnson
Li Vice Chairman all along.


Li did plastic surgeries to help people steal identity and residence.
There are around a hundred looking alike Priscilla Lun Yee Tak / Tak
in Richmond BC and other parts of the world. G. Li does plastic
surgery for illegal stayed to steal residence by looking alike
another resident,
assist these to chip read the REAL ID holders to steal from and hide
/ soft detent them. Tak is 153cm and abit round in build 105lbs, and
arms and legs are NOT slender. 


the agreement between Li Kar Shing and Jerome Lun - Tak's father,
matured this year summer and Li has not paid Lun a cent on the amount
promised. Lun referred Li to Warjack and Li got Warjack Arsenal
business for past 50 years amounting to 300+ billion HKD. (
60F14 @6billion USD each). There is a 10million USD promised to pay
Lun upon maturation of the agreement ( by default 50 years since
1968-71) Li never pay the sum.


the agreement made between Li and Lun in late 1960s also linked Li to
Lam construction. Owned by Bosco Lam (they called H3 in HK). Lam
receives around 1 billion HKD in cash and construction sales every
year. Now accumulating to around 90+
billion in HKD, Lam should give Tak commission for this. And....

withheld a sum of
6-8 billion HKD from
Fungs to Lun (Tak) by Fung Kwok King Victor in 2000 written a
guarantee to give this to Tak. ( Lun Yee Tak, Priscilla Canadian
SIN#497237701) A written guarantee was written up  to the payer
Fung Kwok King Victor since 2000 and Lam never pay Lun the promised
sum.  Lam was jailed in Honolulu/ Hawaii earlier this year
(2019), Fung sued him for fraud not paying the sum to Tak.. Lam
is also suspect of paying uncle to frame Tak in a wounding case.
Paying late uncle Fung Kwok Wai 200k HKD for the trouble to maintain
status quo in ID card money split in case Tak enters into a good
world clan or married to another person the parties spliting Lun's ID
card revenue would change. Lam is to big to be reduced so Li bribes
them. Bosco can be with a name change to Bosco Li or Bosco Chan but
the plaintiff will be Fung Kwok King Victor, or Lifung enterprise or
Cr-Asia.Ltd. Bosco should be residents of Beauwoods Plc, Hawaii.


Tak last saw ex husband in 2000 ( lived apart since 1997). Ex David
Lau never gave her the address to file divorce. Tak cannot afford
lawyers' fees of 200 dollars Cdn an hour. Seeking help to get this
done. Ex has never paid her support, he got a son out of wedlock by
galpal Bonnie Tong in Hong Kong in 1999-2000.

of Wales Hospital Shatin. HK.
- Bonnie Tong Tin Bo/Po

he gave my SIN /Canadian ID card to Clare Wai to use during her stay
in Toronto mid90s to 2010s.

got big eyes and skinny limbs and light brown skin. They depleted
Tak's credit line of 100K+( RBC in 90s).Need
to do this issue first. Please help file desertion& adultery.
Clare was deported and police interrogated her where she got Tak's
Social Insurance card.

later filed divorce at Vancouver Downtown court. But never heard a
reply. E193421 is the file number. Jan22/2021. We lived apart since
1997. And he has history of being dead in Shanghai China in spring of
97 for more than one day. He later was resurrected by the Li bio lab
for his clan sells my identity and split proceeds with the Li family.

The court in Hong Kong reversed the verdict of a wounding case.
HC-ESC4250-011/012 But Tak never received any written notice. Need
the lawyer office to receive it so that Tak can go and pick it up.
Clare's Wai cousin Wai Pui Yin was living upstairs from Tak at 3700
Kilby Court Richmond BC Canada in 2012 and they got Tak's mail. (
Common mail box of the same family motel). Ever since Tak has been
living at premises with '' common mail box'' and she is never the
first one to access the mail. And these ID thieves always got people
living at the same premise and stealing her mail. This framing
enabled people to take Tak's hand print. ( for ID card renewal and
also steal her interest in the land holding of her grandpa's Duke
John Lun Wai Ling 's foundation / portfolio of land or future
inheritances. )


There is a blocker RF chip at the back of Tak's head. She need this
removed for this stops her from hearing from her kin that use long
range radio frequency reader to connect to her. She needs to check
who's DNA is on the chip that tagged her in her sleep and pursue
legal proceeding and compensation. She lost income for full 20 years
maybe because of this.


Tak was cheated to move out of her owned property by someone in city
uniform banging on the door without a eviction notice at 735 Don
Mills Road Apt1004 Don Mills Ontario in 2006. This person appeared in
later years appeared in police uniform without a badge in Vancouver
when Tak reported police. She was only given 15 minutes to pack. 
She lived in the premise since early 90s and the address could help
people define who the real Tak is for there are others plastic
surgery into her face by putting a cloth structure under the facial
skin. Li is doing this type of surgery. Tak didn’t know her rights
at the time and now she knows and the place should be given to her
with debts/ mortgage forgiven. Since it is vacant/ winterize for past
15years. Property tax and maintenance fees were up to date at time of
moving out.


Tak needs a lawyer to go after her grandpa's estate to her father (
missing in E. India since Dec 2016) Since Li can do adult cloning and
plastic surgery and have means to  print of Identity documents.
Grandpa is Lun Wai Ling who owns a foundation that has a portfolio of
land holdings, survived by 3 sons and his wife since 1930s. 
Each survivor holds equal interest in the portfolio. Tak's father's
interest was loaned to his younger brother Lun Chun Wah when he
needed a mortgage to buy land in' Ma Wan' ( pronounced in Cantonese)
in Hong Kong. Wah never return the interest to Tak's father Lun Chun
Yin . Lun Wai Ling is a great philanthropist that his foundation
donates to Community Chest every year.  Please help the
foundation people get in touch with Tak all legal contracts mature in
50years by default in Hong Kong. ( Tak is Lun Yee-Tak, Priscilla )
Thank you.

present only me survived in the family. All others have history of
being dead for more than one day. There is possibilities of ‘’
Asian type of resurrection with a different soul’’ so it may not
be my relatives using the torso any longer. If Li resurrects them, it
is very possible of this may happen. ( Li got people doing Mau Shan
religion type of resurrection that can do this. ).


Without the Lun's family consent, Li use our family's chip
frequencies to make crystal. Mother is Gemma Fung -the first
clairvoyance, and Tak - foretold 2 things 911 and tsunami. The
crystals are like chip readers with projection function onto the
crystal to show who they are chip reading. Li is trying to replace by
theft, the old crystals to new crystals that shows surogate Chan
family to replace the real Gemma's family. Tak, Gemma, and Jerome and
Albert's Lun family ID cards are all 'classified'. George tries to
replace the real Lun's family by his surrogate Chan's family to steal
influence to ruling class by impersonating first Clairvoyance Gemma
and Jerome to cheat for war-jack business.


Fung Kwok King Victor is holding the compensation from Costal Health,
Vancouver, and putting a lien on it for lawyers fees since 2017. Tak
needs that cheque back. December 2017 for 300K as interest for
one year. Fung sue Costal Health on Tak's behalf and took the

For records. Tak


New Post! June 05, 2021 @ 01:51:07 am
Sir, I am the worst case of identity theft and discriminated and suppressed by those using my ID card here.
These most of them got my ID card by the Li family members that i am going after for money.
I reported 911 today around 520pm about water balloons fall from height twice making my pants wet and also
the adjacent blue Masarati car licence plate EA929G that got a parking ticket today.. I am routine there at that spot
Mall entrance at 180 Keefer St. Van.BC Canada at 4-5pm with yellow construction cap and big nylon bag white with checkers
on small cart. The Gensis security guards and someone in the Juke Chicken building next to the mall are suspicious of
using my SIN card and trying to drag down my image. I have the right to be there and I dont even have a loud speaker.
I am seeking contingency lawyers there setting up a routine to be found there. For my phone line always got problem
and reported to CCTRC and police for years. nothing can be done for Li got alot of shares and debentures at Telus.
Please link up the case RCMP is tracing me as target person since 2004 when I was living at 735Don Mills Rd, Apt1004
Officer Young from Division 55?56? called me to tell me I got identity theft and I am their target person.

My phoneline has been cross talked since then. Causing me lost of job chances. These illegal identity theives are given my
ID chip frequency to be monitored by those who sold them my ID card. ( Li ). Most prominent ones are those at 11240
Daniels Road Richmond BC Canada. The ones the superintendent and the builder cannot drive them out at the penthouse.
They make jumping around feeding on blood at First united church area with a small bucket at 60k
that you people need to gun down at the alley. They can resurrected themselves using another torso by inserting their own
DNA ( nails and hair ) under the scalp, body skin sealed with a suture to escape being sued for mass murder they do
for the Li Kar Shing clan for past 20 year across the globe. They are all originated from Hong Kong Agent trained in China
Canton province. I have been friendly cousin with the Li until they murder my papa Lun Chun Yin Jerome in India Mumbai
218 Marharastra, Marharastra and stole his farm by faking a loan with his signature. I never consented to them selling my
ID card and keeping me down and under in order for the system to allow them to do so. I am elite here, and Post graduate university
alumni with Stephen Harper and Trudeau at Richard Ivey School of Business, London Ontario.
Ask Stephen Harper why he has to ask for Army protection after retirement as Prime Minister How many times his ranch in
Alberta are attacked by these Li people agent at communist countries. Li bring in this group who are his surogate in mid 90s'
with surogate contract in the Hong Kong legal contract database ( Chan Lai Ying and George Li Tzar Chi - brother of Richard Li, Chairman
of PCCW-HKT). They came in as tourist in Spring 2004 riding Cathy Pacific then fly to Toronto with Canadian Airline as told.
Then become murders for the Li. Taking the Victim's body to come back alive with their kin and steal everything belong to the victim.
Since the victim is seen walking around, they get away with murder. They starve people by walling them between walls at gun point
when they can enter with a gun. They do this trick throughout the globe. Watch for '' non arms length transection '' in property sale.
Alot change hands without monetary payment and sales proceeds go to Li members' account. And 10 percent goes to this
murder/ Chan family who are multi offense criminals in Hong Kong. ( Chan Lai Nar - stole my expired Hong Kong passports and one 95-98
Canadian passport and use that to travel. ) She trespass with crystalline key moulder that makes keys within seconds.
Even stole my colt car license plate AAED673 from Don Mills Apartment. She bore a child with a old couple neighbor on the 16th floor of my building
and was housed a year there allowing the couple to raise their welfare.. The rest lived at shelter after they landed and trespass and occupy.
There are around afew hundreds here in Canada and the whole family in Hong Kong amounts to 3000 people.
Please check with HK police. There is also a rule in China, that whatever agents they train, these agents have to split the money
they make outside China with China. This might impose some hinderence in getting their information.
I never need to travel with an expired passport... unless Canada doesn't issue me one.
Chan Lai Nar one of the members that chip read me and slander me for past 20 years originated in Sau Mau Ping Tin On Estate KaiYun Bldg Rm1151
got psychiatric illness, frequent admission with Kwai Chung Hospital and Castle Peak Hospital.

From Priscilla Lun Yee Tak. SIN 497237701 Residing at 237 E.Hasting R308.

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 5:46 PM
From: "toi shan" <toishanvancouver308 @mail. com>
To: @federatedinv. com,">HRInfoMgmt @federatedinv. com, momo688 @hotmail. com, @justice.">mark.east @justice.

Subject: Fw: Re: RE: Seekingcontingency lawyers.

is searching for a probono/contingency lawyer to go after her
consulting fees... if anyone can refer her one, and find her where
she is at. (16% is a huge payout if succeed.)

Li, brother of Richard got a surrogate Chan Lai Nar who plastic
surgery into Tak's face and stole the PCCW cheque payable to Lun
Yee Tak Priscilla, ( Tak ) and cashed it with George in India 2013.
Li used Tak 20 years for consulting ideas, messing up her phone line
preventing her from working for others. Li never pay Lun a cent in
compensation nor consulting fees. George Li people still chip read to
soft detent
Tak preventing her from hiring by other
people. And the Chans keep on defaming Tak calling her as whores and
cleaners to switch identity with those they sell Tak's ID number
to...This Chan Lai Nar and Chan Lai Lay (- sister also plastic
surgery into Lun yeetak/ Tak's face) got police records in Hong Kong
stealing identity of Tak/ Lun Yeetak Priscilla's HKID D321396(0) and
SIN 497237701 since mid 90s . Please check with Central cheque
clearing database in Hong Kong to affirm. Also auditors of PCCW
should have copies of large amount of cheques - 17million USD. Tak is
in Canada 2013 suggesting privatisation in 2004, chip read by Johnson
Li Vice Chairman all along.

Li did plastic surgeries to help people steal identity and residence.
There are around a hundred looking alike Priscilla Lun Yee Tak / Tak
in Richmond BC and other parts of the world. G. Li does plastic
surgery for illegal stayed to steal residence by looking alike
another resident,
assist these to chip read the REAL ID holders to steal from and hide
/ soft detent them. Tak is 153cm and abit round in build 105lbs, and
arms and legs are NOT slender.

the agreement between Li Kar Shing and Jerome Lun - Tak's father,
matured this year summer and Li has not paid Lun a cent on the amount
promised. Lun referred Li to Warjack and Li got Warjack Arsenal
business for past 50 years amounting to 300+ billion HKD. (
60F14 @6billion USD each). There is a 10million USD promised to pay
Lun upon maturation of the agreement ( by default 50 years since
1968-71) Li never pay the sum.

the agreement made between Li and Lun in late 1960s also linked Li to
Lam construction. Owned by Bosco Lam (they called H3 in HK). Lam
receives around 1 billion HKD in cash and construction sales every
year. Now accumulating to around 90+
billion in HKD, Lam should give Tak commission for this. And....

withheld a sum of
6-8 billion HKD from
Fungs to Lun (Tak) by Fung Kwok King Victor in 2000 written a
guarantee to give this to Tak. ( Lun Yee Tak, Priscilla Canadian
SIN#497237701) A written guarantee was written up to the payer
Fung Kwok King Victor since 2000 and Lam never pay Lun the promised
sum. Lam was jailed in Honolulu/ Hawaii earlier this year
(2019), Fung sued him for fraud not paying the sum to Tak.. Lam
is also suspect of paying uncle to frame Tak in a wounding case.
Paying late uncle Fung Kwok Wai 200k HKD for the trouble to maintain
status quo in ID card money split in case Tak enters into a good
world clan or married to another person the parties spliting Lun's ID
card revenue would change. Lam is to big to be reduced so Li bribes
them. Bosco can be with a name change to Bosco Li or Bosco Chan but
the plaintiff will be Fung Kwok King Victor, or Lifung enterprise or
Cr-Asia.Ltd. Bosco should be residents of Beauwoods Plc, Hawaii.

Tak last saw ex husband in 2000 ( lived apart since 1997). Ex David
Lau never gave her the address to file divorce. Tak cannot afford
lawyers' fees of 200 dollars Cdn an hour. Seeking help to get this
done. Ex has never paid her support, he got a son out of wedlock by
galpal Bonnie Tong in Hong Kong in 1999-2000.

of Wales Hospital Shatin. HK.
- Bonnie Tong Tin Bo/Po

he gave my SIN /Canadian ID card to Clare Wai to use during her stay
in Toronto mid90s to 2010s.

got big eyes and skinny limbs and light brown skin. They depleted
Tak's credit line of 100K+( RBC in 90s).Need
to do this issue first. Please help file desertion& adultery.
Clare was deported and police interrogated her where she got Tak's
Social Insurance card.

later filed divorce at Vancouver Downtown court. But never heard a
reply. E193421 is the file number. Jan22/2021. We lived apart since
1997. And he has history of being dead in Shanghai China in spring of
97 for more than one day. He later was resurrected by the Li bio lab
for his clan sells my identity and split proceeds with the Li family.

The court in Hong Kong reversed the verdict of a wounding case.
HC-ESC4250-011/012 But Tak never received any written notice. Need
the lawyer office to receive it so that Tak can go and pick it up.
Clare's Wai cousin Wai Pui Yin was living upstairs from Tak at 3700
Kilby Court Richmond BC Canada in 2012 and they got Tak's mail. (
Common mail box of the same family motel). Ever since Tak has been
living at premises with '' common mail box'' and she is never the
first one to access the mail. And these ID thieves always got people
living at the same premise and stealing her mail. This framing
enabled people to take Tak's hand print. ( for ID card renewal and
also steal her interest in the land holding of her grandpa's Duke
John Lun Wai Ling 's foundation / portfolio of land or future
inheritances. )

There is a blocker RF chip at the back of Tak's head. She need this
removed for this stops her from hearing from her kin that use long
range radio frequency reader to connect to her. She needs to check
who's DNA is on the chip that tagged her in her sleep and pursue
legal proceeding and compensation. She lost income for full 20 years
maybe because of this.

Tak was cheated to move out of her owned property by someone in city
uniform banging on the door without a eviction notice at 735 Don
Mills Road Apt1004 Don Mills Ontario in 2006. This person appeared in
later years appeared in police uniform without a badge in Vancouver
when Tak reported police. She was only given 15 minutes to pack.
She lived in the premise since early 90s and the address could help
people define who the real Tak is for there are others plastic
surgery into her face by putting a cloth structure under the facial
skin. Li is doing this type of surgery. Tak didn’t know her rights
at the time and now she knows and the place should be given to her
with debts/ mortgage forgiven. Since it is vacant/ winterize for past
15years. Property tax and maintenance fees were up to date at time of
moving out.

Tak needs a lawyer to go after her grandpa's estate to her father (
missing in E. India since Dec 2016) Since Li can do adult cloning and
plastic surgery and have means to print of Identity documents.
Grandpa is Lun Wai Ling who owns a foundation that has a portfolio of
land holdings, survived by 3 sons and his wife since 1930s.
Each survivor holds equal interest in the portfolio. Tak's father's
interest was loaned to his younger brother Lun Chun Wah when he
needed a mortgage to buy land in' Ma Wan' ( pronounced in Cantonese)
in Hong Kong. Wah never return the interest to Tak's father Lun Chun
Yin . Lun Wai Ling is a great philanthropist that his foundation
donates to Community Chest every year. Please help the
foundation people get in touch with Tak all legal contracts mature in
50years by default in Hong Kong. ( Tak is Lun Yee-Tak, Priscilla )
Thank you.

present only me survived in the family. All others have history of
being dead for more than one day. There is possibilities of ‘’
Asian type of resurrection with a different soul’’ so it may not
be my relatives using the torso any longer. If Li resurrects them, it
is very possible of this may happen. ( Li got people doing Mau Shan
religion type of resurrection that can do this. ).

Without the Lun's family consent, Li use our family's chip
frequencies to make crystal. Mother is Gemma Fung -the first
clairvoyance, and Tak - foretold 2 things 911 and tsunami. The
crystals are like chip readers with projection function onto the
crystal to show who they are chip reading. Li is trying to replace by
theft, the old crystals to new crystals that shows surogate Chan
family to replace the real Gemma's family. Tak, Gemma, and Jerome and
Albert's Lun family ID cards are all 'classified'. George tries to
replace the real Lun's family by his surrogate Chan's family to steal
influence to ruling class by impersonating first Clairvoyance Gemma
and Jerome to cheat for war-jack business.

Fung Kwok King Victor is holding the compensation from Costal Health,
Vancouver, and putting a lien on it for lawyers fees since 2017. Tak
needs that cheque back. December 2017 for 300K as interest for
one year. Fung sue Costal Health on Tak's behalf and took the

Tak- for records.


New Post! June 05, 2021 @ 01:54:20 am
Report to 911 about the water balloon incident.

E3569 officer took the call.
And ask me to call again with the non emergency line.

What if I am hit and injured??
This is homicide. I collect the black balloon that with water when it hit the ground close to me and make my legs wet and the car parking next to me and ask them to come to see whose DNA is on the balloon.

They did it with blue paint balls shooting from height last time and i also still keep those paint balls think they are from the same group of people.



New Post! June 09, 2021 @ 01:04:33 am
anyone knows sawdust= sammy fichentennadel at facebook? I heard via the chip today he could be your usual customer ....I am sawdust friend please check if the family at 181 perkins street connecticut is walled between walls at the corners or corridor by a new wall built across the corners or parallel to old wall. And in the mean time a group of look alike is using the premise as if nothing has happened. ( do you have a chip reader that can scan the place?) I heard this earlier this morning. Please send people to help and release them and arrest the replica faces that use such trick to murder the real ones and steal everything they got thank you. This group of murderer is at Connecticut. the impersonator have lots of suture on the face and also a cloth structure under the face skin with a knot at the lower jaw where the ''depressed point'' is at the rim of the lower jaw slash it and one side will resume to their original contour. Tell police this.

Tak- I am chip read by those who soft detent and work with George Li tzar chip.... they break my phone reception with the chip reader. So I cant even call 911 here.
They starve victims between walls and unwall them to retrieve bodies to be resurrected with different soul so to use the body to steal everything of the victim. ( this is possible ask Shinto religion people of japan, or Buddhist, or Taoist, or Mau Shan people, Catholic church may not tell you this....though.


New Post! June 09, 2021 @ 01:09:53 am
They are furnishing peace here by limiting the calls that can go through to the police. Telus turned every phonline to infra red transmission.
So only they serve can call for justice and protection here.
And the website limit the types of crimes can be reported.

And they can see who is using the web with our log in (at the library) to play soft detent using IT people as well.By monitoring Library staff they can see who is at the computers to play soft detent.
And deterring people when they post or find jobs.
Bumping them out of the web when there are friends online
or giving them a 404 error message when they hit button to apply for good jobs that they deserve.

Ever since some Saudi Arabian people auction the office of Telus to run years ago i cannot even send out text message so i discontinue the phoneline at Telus. But my handset should still be able to call 911 ... wonder if only those '' fake '' police will come for dont know where they forward my calls to. last time the one showed up in a all black large bumper car ( doesnt got a number at the back nor front )could be an auctioned police car and the person is too short to be a police..



New Post! June 10, 2021 @ 01:07:22 am
When did they stigma my email??? these email accounts suppose to take everyone's email!

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

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From: toi shan <toishanvancouver308 @mail. com>
To: @vpd. com,">vpd @vpd. com, ihitinfo @rcmp., @hotmail. com,">momo688 @hotmail. com, crimeprehk @gov. hk
Subject: Fw: Re: RE: Seekingcontingency lawyers. Someone throw water ballons
from height at 180 Keefer St. Van.BC Canada and the adjacent building Juke
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New Post! June 10, 2021 @ 01:28:41 am
I cannot rent any movies by Leslie Cheung today...
I planned to but all gone.
People read my chip rented them.

He was my brother 's good pal at RHS.

I had a problem when I was small, I always lost my way
after I exited the classroom to attend the washroom.
Thank you for coming downstairs to ensure I was Ok
while my brother could not come downstairs...

Fond memories when I was studying at RHS at a very young age...



New Post! June 10, 2021 @ 01:39:08 am
Anyone from Hong Kong wish to contact me Lun.yeetak please ask Trade and economic council office of Hong Kong Vancouver office people to come find me outside Chinatown plaza 4-5pm everyday where the bench is, I am with yellow construction cap big white with checkers nylon bag on a small cart.
If you are renting Lun Wai Ling 's land but cannot locate the foundation people to pay your land rent. You cannot say you cannot locate the landlord and steal the property after 20 yrs.

I don't have residence in Hong Kong by living away for more than 3 years with a foreign passport. I have no obligation to come back to renew any ID cards for another person to steal use of.

Tak/ Priscilla Lun Yee Tak. phD expired HKID D321396(0)
Canadian SIN 497237701


New Post! June 10, 2021 @ 01:44:33 am
An error has occurred.

Error ID: d36bd553b308c8c395974789acdfd8e6d9716f78

When I want to see the contact of the employer at craigslist i see this sign...

more than once actually i was applying from computers at library at Hastings and Main intersection Van.bC Canada.
with my library account.

Please see who stigma my login and prevent me from applying for jobs.



New Post! June 11, 2021 @ 12:54:23 am
I am at the Hastings and Main library again.

I have not been writing for awhile, busy with finding a contingency lawyer and still waiting for one with my routine presence at Chinatown plaza Mall entrance at 4-5pm. Van.BC Canada Chinatown almost everyday.

I was thinking about Heaven.... what it should be like.
What it has been like.... always and no change since its beginning...

Earth people are used to alot of '' boisterous lives''...
Eat Drink and be Merry type.. and often Heaven life is just
too quiet and monotonous for them.
For the stringent rules to enter Heaven, alot of friends and relatives
just have to be separated for a long long time. Some I would say, because of their character ( that is forever adherent to their souls ) can never enter Heaven.....

I think Heaven should be like what one imagines to be....
So there should be a '' boisterous side'' just like what they
did with the purgatory as heard.
Purgatory according to the Buddhist writings, there is a side
which is exactly like the nowadays city.
This is the side which all those after '' judgements'' go.
They can stay there for 1000 years before reincarnation.
So there is an incentive to be '' good ''.
The punish bad ones stay in the '' bald and barren '' side
which there is nothing but yellow soil.

We do alot of things to go to heaven...
please be the heaven like that that we imagine to be
Mine- be free wild and romantic and full of fragrance
full of hot foods, fruits and '' hot like sauna room! ''
Our soul needs warmth to be good.
Just like our enzymes!

Tak- phD


New Post! June 15, 2021 @ 01:38:13 am
I am wearing a plastic cape over my thighs, recently wearing shorts I got in the neighborhood hawkers.... some stores folded and these are super deals to pick up and retire my Arman jeans to nigh-time shorts..
They throw broken glass onto exposed skin here...
they throw color powder, glue powder, concrete powder onto exposed skin including face here to taint your face '' light brown''.
Or give you color patches on your face to dishearten you....
Break your heart and break your bank account if you do laser treatment.
Hahaah... so that these illegal stay a*****es ( on the street havent got our ID card to feed on yet) feels better and have a sense of being better than us if they are working low jobs ...

They are no better.... they just use '' perm hair ammonia or bleach solution '' to wash their face!

If employers hire by appearance, those who stole from our wardrobes will look better than us, for they trespass and break to a point that erode our savings, by the time we cannot afford to replace with nice stuffs, these think they are better than us since they stole all our nice stuff and break what they left behind after they trespass...

I experience this since 2004 after I landed in Toronto and when does it going to end? I moved to Vancouver in 2006 and this type of manipulation persists... but they cannot make me move elsewhere to feed on migration money.... how many are subjected to these kind of manipulation?

Just like the security guard at Chinatown plaza they drove me out saying I dont use a nose mask. I have been wearing a '' face mask'' and I was munching snacks so I basically do not need to wear a mask. I was told this security guard got a galpal using my ID card. And he is trying to make my life difficult and defamed so that his gal pal '' looke more deserved in using my ID cards '' I was lunching at Floata ( 3rd floor of the mall) and come downstairs exiting the mall, when i was doing my routine presence outside the mall, he even came out and gave me a '' trespass notice''. making me look so bad I really want a lawyer to go after them. I have been patron of the mall before he started working there, and I use to be there everyday to do my routine presence just in case the lawyer got my email and cannot call me for an appointment. I have been using the web at the mall. But they drove me out, alleging me causing trouble and not wearing a mask. Even film me with the hand set and coming out to the public area outside the mall to do their harassment. Reporting to police I cause nuisance outside the mall which is not their '' territory''. They don't even know the law here.

I still got evidence what I ordered at the restaurant that day, any lawyers interested to sue them with me? Contingency ,and you can keep most part of the compensation. The police can be witness too so are those who walk by all the time. They discriminate and sterotype people who got a cart. Mine is a small one and needs 70 bucks to buy one.

Those who use my SIN card to report to the police to drag my name and image down should be deported. They have enough nice time here dragging down real ID holders so that human traffickers can have more names in their database. Or when all the stores lost their patrons, when these change hands, the security guards also get a share of the commission?
After hours only the security guards and the alarm is there...which store got trespass and break? At least the herbalist store got alot of things broken, the female herbalist Winnie, got cashier machine, stuff ruined.... I wrote this earlier at facebook and mispelled their company name. It is '' Genesis ''. I scolded them right in front of the police they called once 3 ft outside the mall building and they behave better.

These think they can create prejudice towards those they target on their ID cards, and make these leave the country so no one challenge them stealing identity to live here...
Once we leave, we file Form N74 ( non residence status ) see if you can still use our ID card to live and drive here... there is solid evidence for the court to arrest and convict them.

Wonder if there is accomplice with government how to reduce population if we do not return in 6 years so that the government got less to feed.
Make it feasible for us in a noble way get the assistance or whatever welfare you call be able to feed outside the country and alot will leave and you can feed on migration money.
And alot less burden on the social infrastructure amenities like hospitals, education and public transit provisions....

The government is keeping everyone in need under poverty line anyways...
The yearly income need to be 24K plus a cent to be above the poverty line, how much assistance do they give to the '' abled'' and the ''disabled'' singletons..???
Per head basis it is less than 800 a month if you have sound body and mind so pushing everyone labeling themselves nuts or find ways to cripple themselves to feed the human traffic database in order to have enough food on the table. Otherwise they got 10 bucks a day for grocery and all other replacement. The rest is for the '' property owner - landlord as rent subsidy ''. How many gone anaemic and government has to spend 300 a night when these are in the hospitals?
And when the rental allowance falls short of the market rent, how many are homeless here and they even discourage people building tents at parks... All the jobs are bought by some agencies that feed their clan members and later feed on these they grow fat....or you have to '' buy a job '' and only if you work long enough, then you break even...when does developed world like Canada deteriorate into like some '' jungle mindset Asian countries? ''..

Crows are all black see how many countries are run like this in the recent 2 decades...
Who are sponsoring the elites to govern...

Tak- phD


New Post! June 20, 2021 @ 12:54:07 am
Wonder if anyone can relate me to Alex Alexander of PcCW.

I am the genuine Priscilla Lun that they owe consulting fees to, George Li got his surrogate Chan plastic surgery into my face want to go to PCCW to get my cheque again. Please take heed.
I am going for lawyers for my claim for it has been 20 years without paying me. I hinted privatisation in 2004 while in a phone conversation with Luk in 2004 and Li and uncle Fung all have been chip reading me. Maybe if I dont get my fair share, I should also sue for stolen intellectual property.
It is never Li's sons ideas.

There has been a rumor via the chip heard that Fungs tries to match me with someone in Korea. As usual he had been targeted by the Li since Li got a part in producing in the network he worked in. Now he is up inside Alex's space ship recuperating. ( wise idea for so many hospitals are with Li people there even cleaners are dangerous - they approach while you are sleeping and insert '' explosive squares and wires under the skin and inside blood vessels. ) This is one of the reason why i mailed Alpha Omega lll a rain coat... those chip reader lines can ignite the inserted tags under the skin. These are normally close to the aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, hepatic veins, large vein portals...

Alex want me to go to his space ship to help out and discuss if pccw can be using me as chair lady. I consent but they have to '' absorb me up there'' do that impromptuously while I am in the open. I dont come out in the morning. Thank you.

As for the person they try to match me with, we have tons of similarities, but there are some issues which I really have to talk to him in person. Wait until we meet in the space ship.

If Thomas is coming from pccw, please ask him to take heed and never walk alone. ( with a gun please ) I just need the air ticket and the stipend, and if he is accompanying me to singapore so that customs cant turn single female traveler away - those who dont have a chip reader.



New Post! June 20, 2021 @ 01:20:16 am
@backdoor Said

Wonder if anyone can relate me to Alex Alexander of PcCW.

I am the genuine Priscilla Lun that they owe consulting fees to, George Li got his surrogate Chan plastic surgery into my face want to go to PCCW to get my cheque again. Please take heed.
I am going for lawyers for my claim for it has been 20 years without paying me. I hinted privatisation in 2004 while in a phone conversation with Luk in 2004 and Li and uncle Fung all have been chip reading me. Maybe if I dont get my fair share, I should also sue for stolen intellectual property.
It is never Li's sons ideas.

There has been a rumor via the chip heard that Fungs tries to match me with someone in Korea. As usual he had been targeted by the Li since Li got a part in producing in the network he worked in. Now he is up inside Alex's space ship recuperating. ( wise idea for so many hospitals are with Li people there even cleaners are dangerous - they approach while you are sleeping and insert '' explosive squares and wires under the skin and inside blood vessels. ) This is one of the reason why i mailed Alpha Omega lll a rain coat... those chip reader lines can ignite the inserted tags under the skin. These are normally close to the aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, hepatic veins, large vein portals...

Alex want me to go to his space ship to help out and discuss if pccw can be using me as chair lady. I consent but they have to '' absorb me up there'' do that impromptuously while I am in the open. I dont come out in the morning. Thank you.

As for the person they try to match me with, we have tons of similarities, but there are some issues which I really have to talk to him in person. Wait until we meet in the space ship.

If Thomas is coming from pccw, please ask him to take heed and never walk alone. ( with a gun please ) I just need the air ticket and the stipend, and if he is accompanying me to singapore so that customs cant turn single female traveler away - those who dont have a chip reader.


I promise to relieve the caring duties of Alex once I am on board the space ship. This never constitute any '' commonlaw'' duties with anyone.
For in England there has been a precedence that the boss and the secretary have been working together daily for over 9 hours consecutive for over a year, and even though no bunking around, the secretary filed common law claiming she does all sorts of duties as a wife and being a wife doesn't mandatory need to provide sexual activity with her legal wedded spouse. No guarantee that I am taking anyone as spouse on that space ship either... so don't marry me out of Earth!

Alex there are some people who claim to be your people but I dont have a chip reader so I cannot authenticate the source. By Yaweh decree anyone using a synthesizer to impersonate anyone in chip reader transmission to Alpha Omega Five or in attempt to use Alpha Omega Five 's voice to lie and cheat for anything or chances will have all the radio frequency devices including the synthesizers destroy. Make this a standing instruction. Also a mark of LIAR and Fake will be on the 2sides of the cheeks. Make this a standing instruction.

Someone impersonating AO5 repeating her sayings a second later to the targets they go after. They use AO5 's ideas to please these target.
Even filter what real AO5 say in using the line into their favor and protection. Let Vatican know if Vat is providing the line.

George's space ship is harboring on top of where Ao5's residence is so she cannot hear chip conversation. ( Only 2 seconds each time ) Where she lives is common mail box. Someone stealing her mail there - Georgie's surrogates people. ( the small guy next room to her )

Tak AO5 - PhD

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