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New Post! January 09, 2018 @ 11:09:26 pm
Another day, I am still seeking chances to leave Canada. I am okay to exchange free board in the landing country for housework, piano classes, care giving for elderly. IF interested, please message me or write on my wall. My passwords are not exclusive, thanks to big brother chip reading, and messages or emails can be erased before I log in. If you write as comments or on my wall, if it got erased, you will get a notification from facebook. It is sad to see alot of features that facebook got in the past to combat soft detent had changed. We used to be able to write on anyone's wall.

So lost pals can be found and connected.

Anything that uses passwords in a big brother world is '' useless''. They faciliate those who trespass and erase the messages or steal the email accounts rather than the account holder. We need emails or messages accounts that erase by time and no passwords, you can see it, but you cannot delete the messages. Those messages you need you can save it into another folder or print it out. I dont know why facebook only do intranet pertaining to messaging. We cannot message to another person's email any longer. These are the features making facebook very popular in the past.

I had afew right eyebrow tics for the past week, but it is good that everything here looks fine. I moved to a new place and now trying to explore. Budget rental all got '' human bugs'' there playing tricks on others especially singleton woman.

There are tricks to ruin your complexion, like glue powder on the ceiling and grey / dye powder on the floor, glue and coolant/ pollutants from the tap, discrediting or defamation..etc until someone simply go to a shelter rather than finding places to rent any longer.

The shelters here claim funding by headcount, and wonder if these pay some to create homeless and those they can label to keep in the proverty system so that their names can be used to create funds and loans....

If they label you having a problem, it is okay for the system not to give you a job... and make happy with welfare for the rest of your life. When they pay you disability of 900 a month, they cannot even cover rent for a one bedroom apartment if they do not give you '' supportive housing''... who wants 900 a month if it cannot even cover '' minimal pay scale''. But alot who already given up work search are very happy to get 300 more a month than the extended unemployment assistance of 700 per month because hiring takes alot of ''standard''.. .guess full set of teeth is one, no tattoo, good credit rating at the bank, nice address, ......etc.

Alot who are not with dental plan in Vancouver, do not have full set of teeth after afew years living in BC.

Hope the government is granting a once and for all free dental extraction and a full set of vinyl denture for everyone on income assist free. So everyone can smile again.



New Post! January 09, 2018 @ 11:13:10 pm
THe 700 a month, includes the 375 rental assist to landlord, if you cannot find a place to rent, you only get 325 a month... and the government saves the 375 rent allowance.

So there is no incentive for top up rental assist to market, and incentive to use the renter's name for other money making purpose to make up the difference...??



New Post! January 10, 2018 @ 10:14:31 pm
Thank you Pope the Highest for rebuilding my fathers' soul, but please the family doing Chinese Mau Sha witchcraft is still reading me and I wonder if they will harm his soul again.

Please pray God will send fury onto this family and make sure they are sent to Saudi for punishment.



New Post! January 11, 2018 @ 10:26:51 pm
Pleasure is something you build on a foundation. I was told that pleasure does not need money. I disagree. The foundation needs money. To some, nice weather is pleasure.

Right you have to be '' inside'' and look out at your window to find what nice weather... The foundation is '' inside'' meaning you have a place to call your own, fed, and have the mood and leisure to look out of the window. Women needs the foundation, a place and food and something more to keep her happy. Then she has the mood to '' find something '' to give her pleasure. We all grow up without another half to begin with. Until we start to date or got married, we know something which we call sex. It is the '' sensation'' of the flesh which some like it, others don't. In other words, it is not '' a mandatory''. Those who need such meaning they need something else. A relationship, bonding, children... someone to share the bills, or be fed. There is no pleasure when one is homeless and they curse if God send them snow or rain at night while those got money may find rain romantic and snow beautiful expecially if they got a nice Christmas tree next to their window...

I disagree that pleasure does not need money.

Older generation does have better values as to when they can ask for female companionship.


New Post! January 12, 2018 @ 08:15:22 pm
I am still seeking chances to leave Canada and try a new place where I have full rights to choose my hospital treatments and communications. I need a radio frequency blocker in my pocket in order not to be able to change my passwords without being leaking to those who are reading my chips. Some are my pals or relatives, others are not. These are the chicks who are using my identity and borrowing credit here and would not want me to get work, or in touch with my relatives or kin so that they cannot be '' me ''. Identity theft in North America has been present for many years. They do not just use your identity card number to work or study here. They borrow with the identity, apply for credit cards, and now for recent years they even '' big brother chip read and soft detent'' the real identity holder which I think is not necessary.

How many people using the same social insurance number to get work, no one ever knows... unless Revenue Canada database got a '' self check '' program which an alert will be flagged if more than one full time work or 2 part time work are registered with the same SIN number. And what telecom does should be monitored. And emails and facebook etc should not allow more than one copy of the page open any time. Hotmail used to have a dialog box warning on this but they changed the programming to facilitate soft detent by another person can log in at the same time and delete fresh coming in emails while you are reading / writing other emails.

I am at Avia 3 road Richmond office public computer room Station R7 starting around 1030am. Any one using the same station or other work stations with the same server erasing my emails or website messages are trespassers.

If they big brother you, they know where you go online. They can come early and erase your email from same venue, but different work stations to use the same server.



New Post! January 12, 2018 @ 11:39:49 pm
I am back at Vancouver from Richmond. UBC learning Exch at Keefer and Main St. I left Yaohan around a quarter to 2pm. For I do not want to take the transit during rush hours. I am still job searching whether or not I can find chances to leave Canada. I want to leave Canada for there have been too many communist agents hoovering around town. And some of them do begging for a living, when you refuse to tip them, they can use their lips to tell you how much you have in the bank.. I dont mind being big brothered when I am in the bath or using the toilet, as these have been done when I first had my diaper-change. As these are trained to forge signature as well, that is when you have money in the account, they can sign to withdraw when they also get your bank info. Worse there has been '' looking aike'' version of me because some biggies want to use them to cheat war jacks that they paid us - Lun with Li agreement made in 1960-70s / or have been taking care of me, instead of '' using all me and my relatives'' identities for sale and duplication. Going to the extent to compromise DNA is too far... hope this only stayed in India.

When those relatives and pals cannot contact me, then no one will know who is the real Tak. or Kar yee as they nicknamed.

Espcially some Chan who surogated for Li in 2000 in India gone under the knife to look like me. But she got slender limbs, round ears, narrower forehead and smaller feet..

residing in Richmond, driving around in dull black car or green van. They are involved with borrowing in me and my family name in India and my papa's ordeal. I never been to India.

Heard some Li partnered with some in India faking borrowing documents to get company's money and victimized the '' borrower - on paper''. The hand prints are all from these Chan family members. Of course the borrower in name never know someone uses his name to borrow. Non payment over there means death. This is how some company people cheat away the company money using the real ID holder over there as scapgoat.... Please check whose hand print is that and the DNA of the hand print if they matches the borrower's. And non residents are not supposed to do the loans.


Please read to see if these Chans / Chan Lai X and her family are tampering with peoples souls again, if they trap or torture my father's soul again.. please notify the Catholic Church Pope the Highest to restore the soul.
They dig up people's tombs for DNA body parts and use Chinese Mau Shan witchcraft to do the ''damage/curse''.


New Post! January 12, 2018 @ 11:46:54 pm
Heard this chan lai X's father got my papa's feet.
We want his feet back.
Who also got my papa's 'parts'?

Even if they revived every one back to life,
they cannot deny what they had done.



New Post! January 17, 2018 @ 12:06:49 am
They use hand and foot prints to borrow in India...

Wonder how many gone under the knife to look like myself to use my credit? I used to have a credit line of 100k in Toronto.
And the line was gone after I returned to Toronto in 2004... wonder what happened between 1999-2004...



New Post! January 17, 2018 @ 12:07:38 am
Someone rushed by and got some '' wind'' on my face.

it is glue powder and abrase my face when I rub it,
I got some brown abrasion on my left face now.



New Post! January 17, 2018 @ 11:07:46 pm
It has been a year that my brother took my mom to an old age home without telling me where. He said the Muslims were giving them nuisance.. I think as a son he should protect my mother rather than hiding her to an age home. Knowingly there are people stealing our family's identity, staying together enables one to verify another. This Chan famiy surogating for Li in India took our whole family's identity. I never receive a cent consultant fees and I never receive a cent pertaining to the agreement my daddy made with the Li in 1960-70s. My parents never told me until someone else did in the recent years. I have been looking for lawyers to do a search in the HK legal contract database for such agreement. For I would like to affirm what is written on the contract in detail. Last time when I returned to Hong Kong, I was told another plane chicks afew hundred of them are also with my chip frequency.. I did not renew my identity card in Hong Kong even though I was in the same Wanchai building 2011. I was there to get back my tax refund for I did not intend to work in Hong Kong unless there is a good offer. I can always pay back the tax deposit any time. That was the tax deposit dated back in 2001. I did not know my daddy was in India. No one ever tell me anything that they should. Seem like no one ever do what should be right after 1997. We used to do gatherings and could talk to each other. Even my brother told me he joined a clan and cannot talk to family if the family are not in the same clan. NO one ever told me about clans. My parents want me out of such system, for they think if I am educated, I will be hired, or because everyone from different clans can buy my identity?
I need to take care of my parents even if they are not of the same clan with me. That is my responsibility. Just like I have been their responsibility being borned as their offspring.
Clans that cut off family ties are of no value to join for they are evil to split families. They could give you chance to make money but can also turn you into a singleton to be gross on later.

Please check if anyone renew my HKID without my consent.
I never asked for a copy to be mailed to me from Canada either.
If anyone know where my brother Man Ho took my mom, please write as comments on my wall. Also about my father, Lun Chun Yin, Jerome, HKID BO3312 how many are using his chip and where these are...

I would like to know if he is amongst all these having his chip freqeucies at different parts of the globe..


I am still searching for chances to leave Canada. I need free board,
ok in exchange of house work, care giving. There is a potential risk for me to stay in Canada. For the doctors do not respect patients right and can rip off their chances to choose the type of treatment.
My DNA and obviously organs are targeted being link to clairvoyance roots... With the presence of the acupuncture voodoo doll that can act remotely by chip frequency, and without a rf blocker, some can make me sick and these have a lot of affiliations with doctors here with a red/communist or Red- Muslim background. Clairvoyance link can enable some to feed on the Church, or marry up.


New Post! January 17, 2018 @ 11:43:52 pm
There has been some scaring on my left cheek lately, do not know where some glue powder came from-someone rushing by? As I rubbed to clean my face, abrasion developed. And there has been some patches of brown color appeared ever since I rented with Government rental assist price. They try to label people by appearance here. But I saw someone hired by the government without a single tooth in his mouth. I saw someone bringing her dog to work ( not blind people's dog).

There are '' good people'', depending if one has a chance to meet them. There are bad people trying to afford someone they cannot by reducing their target financially and in appearance also by discrediting with the devil chip broadcast... These I do not think I should give them a chance.

Better than taking in a souvenoir that does not deserve anyone good according to their personality...


I cannot hear much from the chip community from England and States. The 3 address I wrote about using Russian Chip reader can block transmissions from afar, these are the 3 houses doing soft detent and identity theft and do not want me to be reached by those who have known me and my family for a long time. Please find ways to break their transmission back. 1300Cambie Rd, Richmond / 3700 Kilby Ct Richmond/ 3507Matapan Cresc.


New Post! January 19, 2018 @ 12:38:09 am
I wonder if this facebook account is geniune. For some said he did not see my face / profile picture using my hotmail account linking to this facebook account. This profile picture is taken in 2012 when I was living at Richmond Kilby Court. I moved since November of that year. The rentals here for singletons in Vancouver never lasts. Unless the place is really '' expensive'' that landlords have to cherish who they got.

I am still seeking chances to leave Canada. If anyone can offer an address for free board in other English speaking countries. I can do care giving for elderly, housework, tutoring for kids, piano teaching, and even consultation in exchange for free board. House sitting is no problem also.

Please mail me at 237 Hasting Street East R308 Vancouver BC V6A 1P2 Canada if anyone is interested and write as comments on my wall. Thank you. I do not use a phone now 604-2303778 has been cancelled when Telus changed the network service no longer servicing PCS phones.. I am disgusted by their ways of pushing people to upgrade the phones.

For locals I hang out at UBC learnng exchange at Keefer and Main Street Chinatown Vancouver Tuesday to Thursday 2-4pm. I am one with a black cloth bag and a cart. And Fridays I do my Friday routine at Yaohan Mall foodcourt at 1pm (3700- 3Road Richmond BC). But this is subjected to weather. I move out of Richmond for more than a year now. And going back there is 2 zones bus..

And I am renting with Government rental allowance at present, anyone interested in renting to me at budget prices 375-400 per month is also welcome to contact me. Thank you.

For a list of relatives on disclosure permission I leave with the Ministry of Social development Richmond BC Landsdown office , these can always find our with this office where I move to. (ph 18668660800)

My phones had no incoming calls. Soft detent activities like this cost me my kin and career. For how can offices and my kin reach me? When my relatives move, they have no way to contact me to give me a new address. I tried to call my God Mother Alice Tang in Richmond, but years, I cannot reach her. Her phone line is ringing and no one picks up. I returned calls from call history and people said they never called me.

So those who can contact me are '' assigned''.

Please report to police if you have tried to contact me in vain.


Tak / P. Lun

SIN 497237701



New Post! January 23, 2018 @ 11:16:51 pm
Had a dream during about a childhood pal in mishap. Went to her facebook and did a '' take heed''. Good that I can find her here, else I cannot forewarn her. We used to go hiking as kids, and Lantau watercatch was a favorite, also trails at Parkers Mount. Hong Kong has a very nice hiking environment. Never dangerous. Only trails and small bushes. No cliffs, no animals.

Maybe the only danger is the illegal immigrants '' robbing ''.

Hiking used to be me and my papa's favorite weekend pasttimes during winter. And beaches are our summer favorite hang outs.

Hope this facebook account is real. That is no filtering in who I try to message or get in touch with and no erasing by unauthorized people with my comments or postings.

How many people using my Social Insurance number here, I dont know. Best if they do not use that to borrow for I will not repay any loan not done by myself. So if they do it is a way to feed on our banks here.... and I am just pissed if they use my resume to seek jobs and never able to do what I can. Ruining my reputation...



New Post! January 23, 2018 @ 11:18:57 pm
I am still searching chances to move outside Canada.
If anyone can provide me a landing address.
I have not received anything so far.
I am still giving out papers asking for one.
Free board in exchange of housework, house sitting
or baby or elderly sitting.

But I need free time to go and straighten my papa's birth papers.
(in England).



New Post! January 25, 2018 @ 12:07:44 am
I still am at UBC Exchange Tues-Thurs 2-4pm. Keefer and Main Street Vancouver China town area. Making a routine so that people can find me. I do not use phones now. Emails could be erased before logging in. I found my childhood pal facebook yesterday and today shes gone. Not appearing at facebook nor in my message records.... Wu Wing Yee who used to be my childhood pal. Those who are reading my big brother chip and selling my identity do not want me to have pals that can recognise me. Please arrest them. Thank you.

I do not use any regular visa cards, not for the past decade.
I use gift visa if I need to. I buy that from the bank.
I do not use phone nor internet banking.
I prefer to use tellers who I can do business face to face.
I am seeking a boy friend. someone who are able and know when to have
galpals, not using women for free sex, nothing to sell and just sell
looks and ''sexual ability''. I need someone '' decent''. Thank you.


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