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Have you ever seen.....

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dirk0707 On November 29, 2012

Taguig, Iowa
#16New Post! Jan 26, 2012 @ 09:26:36
i always wake up at midnight and see the door of my closet always open.
Pretty weird since i'm the only one in the room and none of the family members did it. Since they are all asleep.

still happen until today but not occasionally though.
hoppy On August 27, 2013

#17New Post! Jan 26, 2012 @ 10:27:45
I wrote this awhile back but it's a true story.

When I in my early twenties, my uncle Dave bought a farm. It was located in a rather wild, hilly part of the county. An area connected to much pioneer history, often bloody.
Too many hills and too little tillable land made it a poor choice but uncle Dave had a good town job and didn't really care. He allowed me to hunt on his place and it produced many a good bag of bunnies, some quail and deer.
On a lonely hilltop near the back of uncle Dave's farm, next to an old abandoned overgrown roadbed, was a small graveyard. It contained about 6 or 8 very old stones, some sunk in the ground, some on their sides in the weeds. The roadbed and cemetery was thick with brush and trees, the cemetery marked by a few pine trees that stood out among the other trees.
On my first visit to this little plot, I lingered awhile, trying to find markings on the stones. It felt so lonely there. From that spot one could look down on the farmhouse and barnyard. One could almost see the whole farm from that little hilltop. I wanted to leave but at the same time felt a strong urge to remain longer. Fighting off that urge, I took about two steps toward the old roadbed, and fell face first into the snow. My feet had somehow become entangled in some brambles. I'd have sworn there was nothing there when I stepped down. I shrugged it off and went on my way.
Back at the farmhouse uncle Dave invited me in for coffee and cookies. Talk got around to the little cemetery and I mentioned how lonely that spot felt. It got quiet for a minute. Then unc told me about the graves. Seems that three of them belong to children who died close together, of an illness of some sort, back in the early 1900's. It was rumored that sometimes at night, when it's very quiet, you can hear children crying in the distance. I asked had he heard this? He said one might imagine they could hear that. One could also think they are seeing lights up there at night. That was my first and last visit to the graves. I still hunted Dave's farm but avoided the graves.
One Sunday morning, while the family was at church, the old farmhouse burned down. A new house was built.
Uncle Dave is dead now. The farm is in other hands. The cemetery is off limits to outsiders but restoration is in progress.
I used to drive by the farm on occasion. The old roadbed could still be seen. The hilltop with the few lonesome standout pine trees are still there as if to mark the spot.
HarajukuGoober On June 23, 2014


Richmond, Indiana
#18New Post! Mar 02, 2012 @ 02:00:45
I have never witnessed anything paranormal, and I hope I never do! lol. People that say they have are so calm about it, and that annoys me. If I EVER say something creepy in my house...I would no longer need the house! lol.
Cpat92 On May 16, 2021
It's all or nothing

Lauderhill, Florida
#19New Post! Apr 17, 2012 @ 14:36:40
I am not too sure if it's my mind, but once again I am starting to see figures in the dark when I am in my room. Earlier, even though it is just a dvd stand, as I walked into the living room with my protein shake, at the corner of my eye I seen an all black figure standing right in front of the dvd stand.
hoppy On August 27, 2013

#20New Post! Apr 17, 2012 @ 14:58:09
For a time in my earlier years I lived in an old hotel. Sometimes as I walked down the hall on my floor, I would see out of the corner of my eye, a figure of a black haired man go by. When I turned to look, he was gone.
Once I was sitting in my room ploting revenge against someone for a percieved wrong. Suddenly I heard a very loud NO! shouted out. It caused me to nearly jump outta my skin. I looked in the hall only to find it empty. In fact, all the rooms around me were empty at that time. I lived on the top floor (6) so I knew it wasn't from the street.
I gave up any thoughts of revenge then.
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