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"War", "Military", "Victory", "Fight"! O

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4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#1New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 16:52:27
What is with the Republican people that soooooooo love war, and fighting and "victory!" and competition, and all that evil crap?

"Shake things up!!!!" (No peace in the future)
"A pit bull!" (Pitbulls are known for killing their prey)
"We will fight!" (Not get along)
"It's a race!!!" (Must be on top)
"We are the greatest!" (no humility there...)
"Calling people out" (thems fighting words)

Shouldn't a people be at peace? To learn to get along? Not for promoting fighting?

What a selfish, fighting, war-loving group of people.

Ok that's my two cents.

Anyone wanna get along here? I'll happily share my wealth. I won't call it "doling it out", I'll call it "sharing".

jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#2New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 16:54:40
That's not a Republican thing. It's a politician thing. An American thing.
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#3New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 16:56:13
I'm an American. And I don't like it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
BeTTyBeLL On November 28, 2010
made just right

Kosciusko, Mississippi
#4New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 16:58:19
Just curious? Will our neg kudos go through the roof if we differ from what you believe and post those beliefs in said thread?
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#5New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 16:58:23
Of course you're not the only one.
sassi On February 20, 2009


Coolangatta, Australia
#6New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 16:58:36
War is a capitalistic thing. Big money in it. It gets nations out of depressions and puts them into recessions.
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#7New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 16:58:45
Just listen to a Republican speech. That's the whole language they use.

"Victory"! "Win!" "Fight!" oh brother. Grow up Republicans. It's not a pep rally, it's not a football game, it's not a war, it's not a fight. It's a situation.

We don't want to fight. We want to solve.
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#8New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 17:57:20
John McCain (today): "We need a new direction and we have to fight for it".

NO YOU have to "fight". not me.
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#9New Post! Oct 21, 2008 @ 21:48:00
@4000Earthquakes Said

What is with the Republican people that soooooooo love war, and fighting and "victory!" and competition, and all that evil crap?

"Shake things up!!!!" (No peace in the future)
"A pit bull!" (Pitbulls are known for killing their prey)
"We will fight!" (Not get along)
"It's a race!!!" (Must be on top)
"We are the greatest!" (no humility there...)
"Calling people out" (thems fighting words)

Shouldn't a people be at peace? To learn to get along? Not for promoting fighting?

What a selfish, fighting, war-loving group of people.

Ok that's my two cents.

Anyone wanna get along here? I'll happily share my wealth. I won't call it "doling it out", I'll call it "sharing".

I couldn't agree said it girl.....I don't know why they think that way...i'am all for PEACE!!! I'am not a democrat or republican...but i'am a voter....and my vote is going to Sen. Barack Obama...the RIGHT man for the job!! Happy voting!!
ChelseaRaye On January 02, 2009

Corona, California
#10New Post! Oct 22, 2008 @ 05:27:37
i'm not into all that s*** either... is it so unamerican to be peaceful??

this country needs some humility.
aceuvclubs On August 22, 2020
You with the face!

Seattle, Washington
#11New Post! Oct 22, 2008 @ 05:29:08
i always get creeped out by "DRILL BABY DRILL" rants like at the convention
4000Earthquakes On April 25, 2009


Joshua Tree, California
#12New Post! Oct 22, 2008 @ 11:44:13
Gee, I thought no one would understand my point.

It's the language. The chanting. The hypnotic "fight, win!, victory! USA! USA! USA!" crap. Like they are hypnotized zombies trained for war.

Onward christian soldiers, i suppose.

Hopefully Barack will get into office and put an end to this mindset for at least a few years. I hope he ends that stupid war in Iraq. I think he's wise, and wants to unite people. I hope he succeeds.

When people are fighting, they are not building. We need to build, not be divided by anyone, anymore. "Divide and Conquer" is true. It works. If people are busy fighting and arguing, they are not solving.

We can do it kids.
jonnythan On August 02, 2014
Bringer of rad mirth


Here and there,
#13New Post! Oct 22, 2008 @ 13:00:33
@4000Earthquakes Said

Gee, I thought no one would understand my point.

It's the language. The chanting. The hypnotic "fight, win!, victory! USA! USA! USA!" crap. Like they are hypnotized zombies trained for war.

Yeah, I haven't heard anyone chant hypnotically lately. Care to provide an actual quote or link to a speech or something where anyone chanted hypnotically?
soupnazi On November 12, 2009

#14New Post! Oct 22, 2008 @ 14:24:49
@4000Earthquakes Said

What is with the Republican people that soooooooo love war, and fighting and "victory!" and competition, and all that evil crap?

"Shake things up!!!!" (No peace in the future)
"A pit bull!" (Pitbulls are known for killing their prey)
"We will fight!" (Not get along)
"It's a race!!!" (Must be on top)
"We are the greatest!" (no humility there...)
"Calling people out" (thems fighting words)

Shouldn't a people be at peace? To learn to get along? Not for promoting fighting?

What a selfish, fighting, war-loving group of people.

Ok that's my two cents.

Anyone wanna get along here? I'll happily share my wealth. I won't call it "doling it out", I'll call it "sharing".

War is often necessary and therefore not necessarily evil.

Fighting is also sometimes necessary and not necessarily evil.

Competition is a good thing and victory is a wonderful thing whether in war (That is how wars end ) or a ball game.

People in general love competition and war mongering or fighting is not exclusive to the republicans. In fact most wars of the last hundred years began under democrat party presidents. ANd virtually every president since Wilson has sent troops to fight to one degree or another.
soupnazi On November 12, 2009

#15New Post! Oct 22, 2008 @ 14:26:22
@4000Earthquakes Said

What is with the Republican people that soooooooo love war, and fighting and "victory!" and competition, and all that evil crap?

"Shake things up!!!!" (No peace in the future)
"A pit bull!" (Pitbulls are known for killing their prey)
"We will fight!" (Not get along)
"It's a race!!!" (Must be on top)
"We are the greatest!" (no humility there...)
"Calling people out" (thems fighting words)

Shouldn't a people be at peace? To learn to get along? Not for promoting fighting?

What a selfish, fighting, war-loving group of people.

Ok that's my two cents.

Anyone wanna get along here? I'll happily share my wealth. I won't call it "doling it out", I'll call it "sharing".

@sassi Said

War is a capitalistic thing. Big money in it. It gets nations out of depressions and puts them into recessions.

It predates capitalism by millenia and socialists or communists wage war as well and as often.
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