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Gay marriage Ban or "is prejudice your nature"

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jeoin On November 12, 2004

#1New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 17:09:23
If you believe in this amendment here in arkansas I hope your vote is counted. To me it is no different than standing out side Central High in 1957. It is no different than Strom Thurmonds blatent racism.
remember this vote is not about you, (unless your gay), its about someone else. Another person who wants the same "rights" as you, but thank GOD your out there pounding the streets getting signatures for a petition to deny rights to someone. I think this amendment will pass, look where we are. We are in the central most racist biased prejudiced part of the country. Its enough for me that your name will be on that list, because i believe that the petition will be a lasting reminder of a time where you voted to hold someone down, because you were afraid that in some obscure/illogical manner that a gay man's marriage to another gay man will somehow infect your marriage. Your out there making civil rights better. Be proud.
panetti On February 17, 2005

Little Rock, Arkansas
#2New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 17:16:30
There ya go. :D

Ok, first, I always hate this being compared to racism. You can't control what race you are. You can control who you sleep with. I fear this is a slap in the face to those who faced the REAL problem back in Central High.

Now the ensuing debate is: Is it really a choice? Well, we have another thread on that buried in the archives here that I made my case for already on, so I'd suggest a good read through there. My argument was based on as much an evolutionary and logical standpoint as it was religious, and my argument can stand apart from the religious argument as well.

That said, I will offer an alternative point for my conservatives: Does this merit an amendment (a topic I started on my own forums last week)? I have supported opposition to proposed laws establishing gay marriage, but I fear a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT is overkill, and opens the door for future problems. If we start amending our constitution left and right for every concerning issue, chaos will surely ensue.

The constitution is supposed to be a foundational document, so it should only establish the most basic and funadmental of laws. A gay marriage ban I don't believe is foundational. If we're going to ban gay marriage, then let's make it a law, but let's leave the constitution alone, else we open the door for all sorts of trivial changes to be made by BOTH sides down the road.

That said, for me it's figuring out which vote is the lesser of two evils.
jeoin On November 12, 2004

#3New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 17:32:02
Racism---- there is only one race. We only JUDGE others that are different from us. Much like your support with the gay marriage ban. Its not important enough that others have different moral backgrounds and faith, but these people are just humans who want to grow up and have a relationship.

I stand by my comparison to 1957. the only difference is then color made us afraid, now it is sexuality. Furthermore i FIRMLY believe that one day you will see that gay marriage is harmless, has no effect on you, and never really was a big deal. The difference is that you will have already stated your stance from the other post you referenced(i have read it).
Its okay to change your mind.
panetti On February 17, 2005

Little Rock, Arkansas
#4New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 17:42:12
True, we judge others.

But your racism judgement is a little too broad -- Actually it's a prejudiced (unfairly biased) judgement with specific regard to race.

But, some judgements are vaild. The question here is if this is one of them or not.

However, I am relieved to find that this issue will be left up to THE PEOPLE to decided. The Anti Civil Liberties Union tried to keep it out of the hands of the people, and for a change, they failed. So, if the amendment fails, it will fail fairly.

As for changing of mind, only the future will tell. If gay marraige is legalized, ask me again in a ten years or so.
jeoin On November 12, 2004

#5New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 17:51:44
Yeah look up the word Racism in a thesaurus. You used my other words to define Racism.

Where does the the bible say some judgements are okay.
panetti On February 17, 2005

Little Rock, Arkansas
#6New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 18:24:31
Well, this isn't about the Bible, it's about our political environment -- we all make judgements. When you vote against the ban, you are judging my standpoint as wrong, and vice versa.

The Bible answer, though irrelevant here, is blatantly obvious, and to start quoting would take a while. It's simply judge actions (murder is wrong) and not people ("Let he who is sinless cast the first stone").
jeoin On November 12, 2004

#7New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 18:28:53
I will gladly vote against it. It won't be anytype of judgement against you. To me this has nothing to do with either of us, unless your gay.
brandonmacdonald On October 15, 2004

#8New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 20:33:52
Well, this isn't about the Bible, it's about our political environment -- we all make judgements. When you vote against the ban, you are judging my standpoint as wrong, and vice versa.

The Bible answer, though irrelevant here, is blatantly obvious, and to start quoting would take a while. It's simply judge actions (murder is wrong) and not people ("Let he who is sinless cast the first stone").

Well, it is fairly early here in my locale, so I'll try my best to tee off on this as best I can - being that, again, even the fact that this has to be debated is such a hilarious concept (Tell me, how is the only country to write "All men are created equal" in its constitution the only one to have had a neccessary civil rights movement?).

Anyway, it would appear to come down to this disagreement over whether or not this is a right due to people of all lifestyle choices or not. Like black folks gettin' the vote and women gettin' minimum wage, should men who live together in a loving, nurturing relationship be given the same tax break as straight folks who do it laying down with the man on top and no funny stuff?

I'm not even going to cast a judgment here, because, a la John Stewart, it's funnier to point out the irony that this discussion is even taking place in the land of the free.... First of all, this is a conservative government making this move. Get the government out of your personal affairs! they chant. John Kerry will have your government deciding where you get your medicine! Less government, less government, less government! Oh, s***, wait, you're not going to marry that guy are you!

In the history of the United States, no State has ever had to honour another state's marriage license. It is unprecidented. Yet, here, your "Small" conservative government, is going to penalize a lifestyle choice made by its citicizens because it disagrees with it on a blatently either A: religious, or B: personal level.

Only the future will tell.... what are conservatives thinking here? You're delaying the enevitable, obviously, and all a constitutional amendment will ensure is that in the future, the same point will have to be reamended. Do they think that gays are going to continue to stand in a country which denies them? Spain just came over to the "dark" side, and is now the fourth country to allow same sex marriages, following Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands, all of which offer the highest of lifestyle averages and personal liberties according to the villainous United Nations. Get used to it. Those of us on the cutting edge of progress have been doing it for a while, and so far hell hath not rained its firey protest down upon us...

But, oh yeah, the bible stuff is irrelevent, so it's just about granting citiziens no different than you folks the same rights you're afforded... I forgot your case.... was there one?
jeoin On November 12, 2004

#9New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 20:47:31
i never feel the need to continue after you have spoken. You defend your points well.
brandonmacdonald On October 15, 2004

#10New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 23:00:58
Part of the problem with debate within America is that so many of the facts have been conveniently left behind - kind of like all those kids Bush is raising to defend democracy on 35 cents a week or whatever. To put the scrutinizing details of the Bush Administration - as well as any other American presidency - is to look at a cause and effect relationship that is unqestionable slanted in the direction of immoral behavior. This is something nearly every living soul in the world - outside of America - takes for granted and uses as a staring point in the debate against, say, Bush invading Iraq. This is all lost on an American public still fraught with its useless belief that its president more than just a man, when in most cases he is a business man, only seeking the best case scenario for him and his. Obviously, unless you're one of about thirty people who go to Bush family dinners, he's not fighting for you.
jeoin On November 12, 2004

#11New Post! Oct 11, 2004 @ 23:12:06
A lot of people feel just like you do. A lot of americans do.
madcitizen On January 31, 2019

#12New Post! Jan 20, 2019 @ 20:25:20
ture it isn't about the bible.some of it is about pervertz that take advantage of unstable people as it were.some about people that get turned out.
mrmhead On March 27, 2024

NE, Ohio
#13New Post! Jan 20, 2019 @ 23:15:56
@madcitizen Said

ture it isn't about the bible.some of it is about pervertz that take advantage of unstable people as it were.some about people that get turned out.

Are you a catholic priest, by chance?
madcitizen On January 31, 2019

#14New Post! Jan 21, 2019 @ 01:26:02
no just an average dude
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