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New Post! December 08, 2024 @ 11:51:15 pm
There are alot of ways these illegal stayed do to claim they can use our identity cards and they use the chip reader to broadcast their claim....... in fact, using another person's Social Insurance number ( identity card) only fetches them 300 Canadian, according to the human trafficker. So these dont even have 300 bucks after they use our identity cards to borrow so much every year. All these got chip reader and only come into the country with 200 bucks from less affluent countries and our customs let them in. ( Please investigate and see if Li is leading them in just like Li led in the Chans at Daniel Road Richmond that wall people between walls world wide.)

1.They send people to bully, drag onto floor to harrass, mess up face by swinging concrete, glue and color powder to make taints and claim us not washing our face..... messing up appearances so that we are less competitive.. filmed it with chip reader and play it to you to laugh at all the time, to create peer pressure, so that you dont feel like hiring the real identity holder even though they are much more educated. (Donald Trump also got mess up face..... remember? )

2. Trespass and mess up things to create replacement all the time to drain savings. So that one day they are better off. Please make sure your bank cards are renewed whenever you find someone trespassed. Some banks got clients' photo on the screen so that these cannot forge signature and reproduce bankcards to withdraw from our accounts any longer.

3. Use our identity cards to apply for visa to borrow. Create a reason to chip read all the time to do scrutiny pretending to care so that our kin don't scrape off their chip lines. These are with a whole bunch of like kind so that their chip lines are thick. Say something to reduce the name of the real ID holder, like they need reminding all the time to show these reminding them are much better in wits and position. (Please check who are the lawyers always do borrowing documents with these illegals using our name to borrow against our assets as demand loan or second mortgages to steal our properties. And how many borrowings are done in that office. )
My recent encounter is fleas and bugs..... my place was trespassed by someone who got cow flea, goat flea and cat flea. These critters even claw into my under pants and seams of clothings and I have to crush it in front of everyone. Good I have have money to buy insecticide and skin itch ointments. Those b****es who walked by, lip talk to say real identity infest and they can use the identity no matter if real identity holder is ruler class and a doctorate. And she herself is the real princess.

We have rules to run, when someone is ruler class, and elite ( educated) no one can use their identity.

You have 300 bucks you can switch to another identity card and you need not be so shameless to make reasons to continue using my identity cards. Princess Alyse my grandmother married to a Chinaman in London living at back hill of Buckingham Palace. And I am welcome for you to check DNA. The family lived 2 generations in Hong Kong a then British Colony and monitoring Governor until Churchill took over the ruling after WW2. We dont have Caucasian looking relatives nor darkie relatives in Hong Kong.

I never have been anywhere else except Hong Kong where I was born. (Never been in Korea nor England so far. )
I tour the following countries: Canton (1980s) Japan (1980s), Philippines (1980s), Singapore (1980s) Malaysia(1980s) and Canada and currently I am Canadian Citizen (since 1992).
I don't have Hong Kong residence any longer for I am out of the country with a foreign passport for more than 3 years.

I am never derailed nor drug trafficking. I never hooted nor bunk around to get sponsors. I am highly educated and already 60years old and never a minor. My relatives all slander to play control in my money matters. I am looking for police and lawyers help. I am one of the inheritor of John Lun Wai Ling foundation. ( My grandpa's estate.) I married to someone they disapproved, marriage annulled in 1997 and been by myself ever since.

I am a Catholic never a Muslim and I never give anyone my keys and be in my residence whilst I am not there.
I was arranged marriage to a Korean Bok family son. Currently we are in touch virtually by chip readers. You don't have to say something to drag me down to your level and say you match me better. My parents died. Li got someone using a photocopy torso to hold onto my prospective inheritance. ( They use witch craft to steal).
For your information please. If you dont have 300 to spare, dont live in (Vancouver BC) Canada.

Tak - Priscilla Lun Yee Tak. phD Alpha Omega 5 - this is title pertaining to the Catholic church in Rome. /Vatican. And Princess Priscilla of England.


New Post! December 09, 2024 @ 12:24:16 am
Like Emma Watson, there are more than one version of Lam Ming Ching. One copy found is in South Korea. That one is the one enticed by Li Tzar-chi to break up me and Po Kim.

She showed me what show she and Kim did at the rich people's party in South Korea and claimed she and Kim match each other better.
I never mind what Kim did in the past. I only look forward to the future. He is already man-in waiting.

Tak- phD AOV


One copy is by a Japanese mother and Asian father. That one only had dinner with Lui Cheuk On. I know one of the Lui relative. Gina and her husband. They use my business idea with Gardner, to change all the glass windows in England to cash in during the pandemic.

Tak- Priscilla Lun Yee Tak. phD AOV

I wrote a waltz today.... using a birthday theme.
So this will be leading dance for alot of parties.
I said to the chip reading Connie Shaw - Runrun Shaw daughter with Koo Mei, Joseph Koo's sister. This song, 15% patent will be to Vatican.
Pope Francis showed face.
There are 4 Pope Francis by Vatican and one by Li. Please dont let the Li version steal any power of Vatican. Exterm pls.

These copies are to share work of the real one.
The souls are passed on popes of the past.
The real one never left Vatican.

So are some Prime Ministers and Presidents of the countries.
They either use photocopying or plastic surgery to look alike.

Tak- AOV and PhD



New Post! December 09, 2024 @ 12:32:10 am
Remember years ago. Amy Lun got black eyes.. .showed Mau Shan stealing Torso.
They change the skin around the pupil so it is not dark any longer...

Please ratify and bring back all my relatives to earth.
But they are not allow to feed on grandpa's Foundation if they are dead before.

Tak- Lun Wai Ling 's granddaughter. / phD AOV.


New Post! January 05, 2025 @ 12:45:30 am
I am Alpha Omega 5 of the Catholic church. and Church is chip reading me.

There are things I proposed to change.... first implementing a score system that only the desired number of living will be on earth so that it will not be a dog eat dog world. And only those good will go on. Bad deeds will have a minus score and Good deeds will have a plus score and everything you do since created will be calculated.
We obsolete bad people souls. ( Create the pass mark using percentile on the desired population of each tier of beings: insect, marine, animals and birds and human)

There are other things need to be done.

1.No souls can use another body via insertion of DNA items or transplant. The soul must be formally programmed to use that DNA to use that torso. This will cut theft and crime using possession by villains.

2. No souls can use talisman to use another body. Any other church people want to do resurrect must go through Catholic/ creator church, we have the applicant's lifetime deeds checked before approval. No one can use money to buy their extension of life on earth to escape judgment and punishment in the purgatory. Both churches charge a toll.

3. All souls are '' attracted out '' of the body and into the purgatory half hour after heart beat stopped. This is to prevent trapping by the body even after the torso is buried under the soil or being burnt during cremation. Or some wicked people using a piece of hair and metro-chrome to attach the soul onto the hair and burn it with microwave.

4. Purgatory gate to close and no souls are re-attracted back to the body/onto a piece of DNA item by using imitation of heart beat with a DNA item.
5.Attributes of the soul are to be changed once enter the purgatory, this prevent living people still chip read and pursue the soul without the deceased consent.

6.Contact with the deceased soul in the purgatory can be official applied to the church. The church will send a line to the purgatory and summon the deceased. But the deceased can refused to talk to the living. This can be set up before passing on. The Churches will charge a toll on-going or per diem.

7. Clear up the misconception that whenever we do something with souls, we label it witchcraft. People have to know souls are present as a usual inside the body to run the body. Medical school first lecture also denotes the presence of the soul without it the body falls into coma. It is the soul that continue living while the torso only last around 100years. Normal people only live once but those who are gifted can do resurrection with another torso, with same torso or with a photocopy of the original torso. Those who spend a fortune photocopying or resurrected need not be hidden away. Work with government for a reissue of identity cards. Ask Vatican for details.

Tak- phD AOV. / Priscilla Lun Yee Tak St. Margaret church parish Hong Kong.


New Post! January 08, 2025 @ 12:23:36 am
@backdoor Said

I am Alpha Omega 5 of the Catholic church. and Church is chip reading me.

There are things I proposed to change.... first implementing a score system that only the desired number of living will be on earth so that it will not be a dog eat dog world. And only those good will go on. Bad deeds will have a minus score and Good deeds will have a plus score and everything you do since created will be calculated.
We obsolete bad people souls. ( Create the pass mark using percentile on the desired population of each tier of beings: insect, marine, animals and birds and human)

There are other things need to be done.

1.No souls can use another body via insertion of DNA items or transplant. The soul must be formally programmed to use that DNA to use that torso. This will cut theft and crime using possession by villains.

2. No souls can use talisman to use another body. Any other church people want to do resurrect must go through Catholic/ creator church, we have the applicant's lifetime deeds checked before approval. No one can use money to buy their extension of life on earth to escape judgment and punishment in the purgatory. Both churches charge a toll.

3. All souls are '' attracted out '' of the body and into the purgatory half hour after heart beat stopped. This is to prevent trapping by the body even after the torso is buried under the soil or being burnt during cremation. Or some wicked people using a piece of hair and metro-chrome to attach the soul onto the hair and burn it with microwave.

4. Purgatory gate to close and no souls are re-attracted back to the body/onto a piece of DNA item by using imitation of heart beat with a DNA item.
5.Attributes of the soul are to be changed once enter the purgatory, this prevent living people still chip read and pursue the soul without the deceased consent.

6.Contact with the deceased soul in the purgatory can be official applied to the church. The church will send a line to the purgatory and summon the deceased. But the deceased can refused to talk to the living. This can be set up before passing on. The Churches will charge a toll on-going or per diem.

7. Clear up the misconception that whenever we do something with souls, we label it witchcraft. People have to know souls are present as a usual inside the body to run the body. Medical school first lecture also denotes the presence of the soul without it the body falls into coma. It is the soul that continue living while the torso only last around 100years. Normal people only live once but those who are gifted can do resurrection with another torso, with same torso or with a photocopy of the original torso. Those who spend a fortune photocopying or resurrected need not be hidden away. Work with government for a reissue of identity cards. Ask Vatican for details.

Tak- phD AOV. / Priscilla Lun Yee Tak St. Margaret church parish Hong Kong.

For recruiting of officials in heaven comet/planet, and the purgatory:

Please check existing staff's profile. And replace by self earned high blessing points ones.

When one soul is having a body living on earth, we see the birth date, reincarnation records, and the destiny writer record, *** no other soul with same soul number should co exist on earth or be with another soul to be living on earth or anywhere in the universe.( and drain the blessing point account)***
See who is paid for having a blessed/ talent baby by using other people's souls to reincarnate into the family or steal identity rubbed with other souls to work or to live anywhere in the 3 levels or other planets in the universe..

Tak-phD AOV of the Catholic church.( Sent to @Vaticanrome. it)">info @Vaticanrome. it)


New Post! January 31, 2025 @ 12:20:07 am
I am still awaiting for Joseph Koo to pay me , it been years I deliver songs composed and via chip conversation.
I need him to send people come to give me an itinery so I go to Singapore to get paid. and the airtickets are deducted from the cheque.
IT has been years.

I heard Wai Pui Yu Clare using another body to bunk with him and filmed him 'anxious and releasing prematurely... she use this to black mail him and ask him not to pay me. For paying me will show who Yat Ming the composer is. It is me Lun Yee Tak. Jerome Lun's Daughter John Lun Wai Ling's grand daughter the princess of England
I never been to England for your information please.

Exterm all those using my identity in England.

Tak - phD AOV ( P.LUn yeetak.


New Post! February 01, 2025 @ 12:53:21 am
Dear Pope Francis: I proposed a score system to retire souls. Those who have lower scores than the set percentile to create a regulated population of every tier in reincarnation ( the 6 portals - human, animals, marine, insect, darkhell, heaven)
So that every reincarnated have enough to eat and there will not be a dog eat dog world, and birds and animals have enough to eat.
Now they talk about the end of the world. And Li and Daddy war jack people talk about moving to Jupiter. ( we and NASA got a base there) THe ice belongs to the little beings below the earth and I dont think it is fair that we can use it.
Li and papa make vessels that fly to space and they use end of world talk to sell the vessels.....
We built business and high tech harvest on earth. End of world Catastrophes destroy everything.
When it was end of world, Satan got people netting souls that will not have a chance to get judgement in the purg they use the souls as energy.
Now someone is shipping oil to their comet and they got lights and warmth. ( Buildings and generators )
Please see who are the ones we lost in previous end of world to be used by Satan comet for fuel.
Now since we got a hundred years as told, we have time to see and find out all those who did murder on earth.

We just stop their hearts and sent them to the purgatory. ( Tons ) and only leave the good faithful souls on earth.
I dont think we need to open the seals. We have to burn the woman that ride the dragon with 10 horns.... ( devil clan with 10 evil people running could very well be the Li kar shing clan and the 10 sons doing murder theft even with souls possession. This one even steal planets using trespassing souls)

Please see that my lines and my little ones are not working for Li related people. Thank you. I dont have a chip reader i need one.

Tak. AOV Priscilla Lun Yee-tak

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