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Post digestive nuggets
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September 12, 2017 @ 08:17:08 pm
What is freedom?

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New Post! September 12, 2017 @ 08:20:51 pm


New Post! September 13, 2017 @ 12:37:21 am
If we limit the definition of freedom as self determination we then have to ask what self-determination is.

What is self determination?


New Post! September 13, 2017 @ 12:57:04 am
If we were to define self-determination as determination by oneself without outside influence.

Of course with that definition we are using part of the term we are defining as part of the definition. (I am not sure that is acceptable)

We could (I suppose) define self-determination as freedom to live as one chooses without consulting others.

But ...but again (since we defined freedom as self determination) the definition contains the term we are defining.


Another word for nothing left to lose.....

Maybe a hermit is free.


New Post! September 13, 2017 @ 01:00:32 am


New Post! September 16, 2017 @ 07:07:51 pm
Unemployment is another word for freedom



New Post! September 16, 2017 @ 11:08:01 pm
When referring to freedom....

One of my friends only talks of the freedom to bear arms.

Another friend only talks of the freedom to have christian prayer in public schools (though he didn't seem as concerned for the freedom of muslims or jews to pray in public schools)

A person I used to know often spoke of an unborn baby's freedom to live (though he didn't seem to concerned with the mother's right to life & choice...nor a murder's freedom to live).

Yet another friend says that freedom is the right to do whatever you want to do, as long as it doesn't violate the law.

In Cuba a man told me freedom was the right to have free health care.

A family member says that freedom includes the right to adopt "so called symbols of hate" if one wants to (though this family member also thinks that the symbolism of burning the American flag should be punished as a felony).

I know a Republican who said that he had the freedom of speech when calling President Obama names and accused Obama of being a criminal (but this Republican is very upset that people call Trump names and accuse him of being a criminal).

A Libertarian I know says that the government is violating his freedom by taxing him (though this Libertarian seems to like our public highway system and national defense).

A religious guy I know demands his freedom to believe his religious beliefs (though he isn't so keen on people who don't believe exactly what he believes).

An atheist I know claims that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to (though she is strikingly critical of people who believe in god).

I read an article by a Vegan...this person said that humans do not have the right (freedom?) to eat animals.



New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 01:35:51 am
Freedom as a different meaning for different people.


New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 01:57:45 am
Freedom is walking buck-naked from the bathroom to the kitchen to enjoy a cup of coffee!


New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 04:19:48 am
There is freedom of... For example: Freedom of religion.

There is freedom to... For example freedom to walk buck-naked from the bathroom to the kitchen to enjoy a cup of coffee.

There is freedom from... For example Freedom from restraints

There are different kinds of freedom

There are kinds of freedom.


New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 07:56:41 am
@chaski Said

When referring to freedom....

One of my friends only talks of the freedom to bear arms.

Another friend only talks of the freedom to have christian prayer in public schools (though he didn't seem as concerned for the freedom of muslims or jews to pray in public schools)

A person I used to know often spoke of an unborn baby's freedom to live (though he didn't seem to concerned with the mother's right to life & choice...nor a murder's freedom to live).

Yet another friend says that freedom is the right to do whatever you want to do, as long as it doesn't violate the law.

In Cuba a man told me freedom was the right to have free health care.

A family member says that freedom includes the right to adopt "so called symbols of hate" if one wants to (though this family member also thinks that the symbolism of burning the American flag should be punished as a felony).

I know a Republican who said that he had the freedom of speech when calling President Obama names and accused Obama of being a criminal (but this Republican is very upset that people call Trump names and accuse him of being a criminal).

A Libertarian I know says that the government is violating his freedom by taxing him (though this Libertarian seems to like our public highway system and national defense).

A religious guy I know demands his freedom to believe his religious beliefs (though he isn't so keen on people who don't believe exactly what he believes).

An atheist I know claims that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to (though she is strikingly critical of people who believe in god).

I read an article by a Vegan...this person said that humans do not have the right (freedom?) to eat animals.


The people in your examples are only interested in freedom for themselves.


New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 08:27:09 am
I am absolutely free to do to do what I am told to do.

I am free to do what I have been programmed to do

I am free to think what I have been programmed to think

I am free to say what I have been programmed to say.

"One makes of one's self that which is made of one" <<Sartre>>


New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 08:34:55 am


New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 04:51:24 pm
When can a government (legitimately) impose laws restricting freedoms?


New Post! September 17, 2017 @ 07:15:37 pm
September 16, 2017 @ 04:59:48 am

Premise: It is alright to harm your self as long as it does not harm anyone else.

It is illegal for you to act in a way that may harm you.

The law will harm you if you do it because if you do it may harm you.


It is illegal for you to act in a way that may harm you; even though doing it does not harm anyone else.

Premise: Unless living in complete isolation it is not possible to do anything that has a potential for harming others.

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