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"Post-digestive- nuggets"
On July 01, 2021 Erimitus

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The mind of God, Antarctica
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Post digestive nuggets
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New Post! January 26, 2017 @ 11:36:10 pm
Then your reality doesn't encompass all that is known of existence and closes off the unknown.

Until we discovered it, the cell did not exist.

Until we discovered it, DNA did not exist.

Until we discovered it, the atom did not exist.

Except they did. We just didn't know it.

Just because we don't recognize, understand or perceive a thing doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means you don't recognize, understand or perceive it.


New Post! January 26, 2017 @ 11:53:53 pm
@Erimitus Said

I experience properties.

The properties that I experience are a virtual reality.

I have no way of knowing if there is an actual reality and if there is an actual reality no way of knowing what that reality is.

My reality is based on nerve impulses. (0,1).

My mind is the creator of my reality.

Proposition: A tree in the woods does not exist in my reality unless I experience it.

in sense, we are live in virtual reality. with our minds process what we see to be reality.

you are sleep or daydreaming, your mind not contracting of the moment, you are experience now.

your mind is slipping away from reality. your mind is still control your reality, but not has focus at it was a moment ago.

somewhere between this moment, we understand the time the best.

yes, if you never see a tree before in a book or something. even in your life experience. tree is not a reality to you.


New Post! January 27, 2017 @ 12:52:25 am

Proposition: An entity does not exist in my reality unless I experience it.

IF: An entity does not exist in my reality unless I experience it.

Then: my reality does not encompass all that is known of existence.

Comment: I do not and cannot know that an entity exists unless I experience the entity.

Comment: An entity may or may not exist independent of experience.


IF: An entity does not exist in my reality unless I experience it.

Then: my reality closes off the unknown.

Comment: I do not understand


E: A cell did not exist in my reality until I experience it.

E: DNA did not exist in my reality until I experience it.

E: An atom did not exist in my reality until I experienced it.

E: The cell, DNA, and atom did not exist in my reality until I experienced them.

E: The cell, DNA, and atom may or may not exist independent of my reality.


E: Perception of an entity does not mean that the entity exists independent of the perception.

E: Not perceiving an entity does not mean that the entity does not exist independent of perception.



New Post! January 27, 2017 @ 01:02:36 am
TZ: in sense, we are live in virtual reality. with our minds process what we see to be reality.

E: That is how I understand it.

TZ: you are sleep or daydreaming, your mind not contracting of the moment, you are experience now.

E: All I ever experience is the now. There is nothing other than now.

TZ: your mind is slipping away from reality. your mind is still control your reality, but not has focus at it was a moment ago.

E: The mind creates the virtual reality that is experienced.

TZ: somewhere between this moment, we understand the time the best.

E: I have been thinking of the moment (i.e., the now that is experienced) as dimensionless. The moment could be infinite.

TZ: yes, if you never see a tree before in a book or something. even in your life experience. tree is not a reality to you.

E: yes

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